In 2004, NCSU Emeritus History Professor R. Slatta created a chart that captures the contrasts between Ideology and Inquiry:
When ideology completely takes over and blots out critical thinking as well as the values and principles that allow us to navigate the opposing forms of behavior and thought, then we are in trouble – we lose the ability to navigate, to keep both in check as needed, and to understand when ideology rather than those core values are guiding us.
When a country’s politicians become ideologues rather than representatives and issue solvers, then our country is in severe peril.
Politicians have always stood for certain issue or policy
positions. Their attempts to resolve
issues according to their preferred policy perspective has always required
navigation between the ideological and the rational. Yet underlying the persuasive acts in favor
of their particular issue resolution, there was a touchstone built on the
history, core values and beliefs of the country. That touchstone allowed the partisan
politicians to find ways of coming together to further the best interests of
the country as well as to prevent them from becoming blinded by pure ideology.
Not so much today. Today we have not partisan politicians but ideologues. You can recognize them by their hypocrisy as well as the polarization they (usually intentionally) create. When a partisan politician cares about his or her country, he or she will be willing to compromise positions for the good of the country. But an ideologue is “someone who theorizes; an often blindly partisan advocate of a particular ideology.” The typical ideologue is uncompromising and dogmatic.
The ideologue’s goal is to implant a particular ideology in everyone. Yes, everyone. That goal outweighs all else, including facts and rational thought and Truth. The narrative becomes all important as the narrative is used to assimilate everyone into the ideologue’s ideology and to demean and create enemies of those who will not be swayed – those who choose to think for themselves.
This is how today we so often see politicians and their followers to be inconsistent and hypocritical in their statements and actions, why the positions of the Left actually contradict many traditional liberal positions and values. Ideologues do not have a solid issue position but rather a position that those who are not with them are always wrong (even if they hold a position that the ideologue has advocated for, the ideologue will now take the opposite stand).
The ideologue politicians of today have lost sight of who and what a politician is. They have lost sight of their role as simply a go-between for the people and their government. Having lost sight of that touchstone built upon an understanding of our country, its values, and its democracy, absolute and complete installation of their ideology has become their primary if not their only goal. And their own power becomes imperative to them because they believe only they can keep the ideological order that they choose to implement.
What the successful ideologue ultimately does is destroy freedom. If one is going to create and control a successful ideology then one must keep those whom one controls from thinking for themselves. In the ideal ideological world, everyone must be the same in every way (the Left’s equity which is in no way equality). Except of course those in power who make the decisions for everyone else.
That is not the structure upon which America was created and which has allowed her to become the great country that she has become. That is the structure that will destroy America (and already is doing so as the ideologues gain more and more control).
An ideologue is both more and less than a partisan. More, because they are often more passionate and more persuasive, and even often receive more misplaced applause for their inability to bend and compromise. Yet they are less than a partisan because their advocacy has no valid or constructive goal other than to advance their own ideology and power.
Ideologues exist on both sides of the political aisle. Today, the rightist ideologues mostly push the traditional American ideology. This is certainly far less dangerous to America than the progressive and socialist ideology of the Left, but it is not totally benign.
Anyone or group that pushes ideology rather than issue and problem solving is furthering an effort that avoids the individuality of thought. It polarizes people until they become completely incapable of acting even in their own best interests let alone in the best interests of their community and country. Worst of all, ideology destroys individual freedom.
Freedom requires thought, intellectual inquiry, critical thinking, creativity. And these activities require freedom. The ideologues would destroy both – the freedom and the activities upon which it thrives and which require freedom to thrive. Ideology requires a uniformity void of individual thought and freedom.
America has created a place where Freedom and Intellectual Inquiry thrive. This environment has allowed America to evolve and grow, to become a world power and a shining example to the rest of the world. Right now, the ideologues on the Left are working to destroy all that.
The Leftist ideology can be quite persuasive but, before
giving in, the people of this country need to be sure they have exercised those
skills of intellectual inquiry that we all possess. Partisanship is a part of this country, but
blind ideology is not. The one helps us
to grow, the other will kill us all.