The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Brief Thoughts

 Here are a few short notes as I read today's news:

1.      As people cheer the climber on the Statue of Liberty and as she cheers herself, do any of them consider the families that had come to NY on the 4th of July to make a once in a lifetime visit to Lady Liberty and who, due to the selfishness of these folks, were prohibited from doing so?

2.      Scott Pruitt’s resignation letter includes his gratitude for the job and his joy in serving his country.  It also states the primary reason for his resignation: “the unrelenting attacks on me personally, [and] my family, are unprecedented and have taken a sizable toll on all of us.” Causing someone to resign because of unrelenting personal attacks is just another way that the Left silences any opposition.  Their intolerance is anything but democratic!

3.      In this country we used to tolerate opposing views.  If we disliked the policies of those currently in power, we voted for change at the next possible election.  Now it seems that people think that if they didn’t get their way in an election, their recourse is not to wait and work for different candidates, but rather to scream, assault, and attack those they do not like until their voices are silenced and they are driven from office.  In so doing they are ignoring the voices of their neighbors with whom they disagree (if not also silencing them) and are placing their own selfish wants above those of their country and its form of government.

4.      People who are opposing the Supreme Court nomination before the nominee is even named are showing us that they don’t really care about objectively looking at qualifications and picking a good jurist.  Rather, they just want to obstruct and oppose the President.

5.      People who want to know how a justice will rule in regard to a prior case do not understand how the courts work or what the role of a justice is: to interpret and apply the law to a specific case that is currently before the court; in so doing the law develops and progress and sometimes old law is altered or overturned.  But justices do not enact laws, nor do good justices go to the court seeking to do so.

6.      People who claim that precedent is set in stone and can never be overturned do not understand what precedent is.  Nor do they seem to realize that, for example, Brown v. Board of Education overruled the “separate but equal” segregation requirements for Blacks and Whites set forth in the precedent case of Plessy v. Ferguson.   People who are against ever seeing the law progress in this way do not understand the role of precedent or of the Court within our three branches of government.

7.      Why do so many of our politicians simply spew forth their party line instead of thinking for themselves?  Why do they put their loyalty to party and their own power above the country?  Why do representatives often just represent one identifiable group within their district rather than considering the voices of all their constituents?

8.      For that matter, why do so few people think beyond the surface or for themselves?

9.      Our country, while not perfect, is a great country.  Why were so many apologizing for it and tearing it down on the 4th of July of all days?  These people who think that our form of government is so terrible, that our country is so terrible – would they really rather live somewhere else?  I am really curious where that would be and why that would be and, especially for those many wealthy who continually trash America but have the funds to move elsewhere, why don’t they do so?

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