The Democrats are doing everything in their power to thwart our democracy, beginning with their refusal to admit that Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America. I just saw (again) a meme on social media asking folks to share if they were proud that they had never called Trump the president. Huh? That is the proud stance of many Democrats – we wanted the other candidate, so we will refuse to recognize your presidency. Wow, that’s really democratic (Not!).
Consider how democratic the actions and agenda of the Democrats really are. At every chance they get they try to silence voices that disagree with them: they shame people into silence; they demean the views of opponents; they twist the words of opponents to make them in some way offensive; they shout down opponents who are trying to speak; they base their positions on half-truths and opinions rather than facts; they assert that supporters of the president should be harassed in public simply because of their affiliation with the president; they state opinion as if it were fact while condemning any contrary fact as mere opinion; they make up their minds on important issues such as confirmation of Supreme Court Justice based on the fact that he was appointed by Trump and is not a Democrat, rather than on his sterling record as a judge; they make up their minds on every issue based on party agenda even before hearing facts; they punish anyone who supports or is affiliated with the president, perhaps in payback for the fact that their own candidate lost; they believe their feelings and their agenda outweighs the rule of law. These are not the actions of people who support democracy.
Our democracy requires tolerance. It requires an acknowledgement that there exists more than one view on an issue. It requires respect for diverse views and an ability to listen to those views rather than simply silence them. It requires objective examination of relevant facts prior to reaching a conclusion. One thing that can certainly thwart our democracy is the silencing of diverse voices and views.
So, let’s look at the actions rather than the words of the Democrats. Their words may sound as if they care about the country, its people, and our democracy. Their actions, however, speak to a desire for a society that is anything but democratic; a society in which their views must be accepted by all. Is there any reason to believe that if the Democrats take power their actions will be any different? I suspect not. Rather, it is more likely their words that will change as they use new words to mandate a far less democratic country: a country that places their party and its views in power, rather than the many diverse views of the people.
The actions reveal the true color of the agenda. It is not democracy, but a world where only the “approved” view exists. The words, the emotional arguments, the crocodile tears and cares, the attacks all serve one purpose only: power to the party. For the “sake of democracy” it is not the legitimate president that must be removed. It is the Democrat view that opposing views may be legitimately silenced. It is the Democrat view that any election that does not result in their power is in some way illegitimate. Pay attention to the actions: is that really how you see a democracy? If not, why would you in any way empower those who approve and carry out those actions?
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