At this point if his nomination fails they are authorizing the sort of smear campaign against any and every future nominee that we have seen play out against Judge Kavanaugh.
What we have is a good nominee who was faced with unsubstantiated accusations the investigation of which (along with the search for dirt) may have found some less than honorable episodes or words in his youth (throwing ice in a bar; perhaps becoming over intoxicated; using sophomoric jokes in yearbook; etc.) Let’s remember that we are all human, none of us is perfect, and if we search hard enough we will find some less than honorable event in the life of everyone, even a saint.
Now having been accused of poor character and his character smeared beyond belief, we are told he cannot be a judge because of that character. We are told that righteous indignation in the face of allegations which he claims are false is sufficient to keep him from the Bench – essentially that his claims of innocence are proof of guilt, or should at least disqualify him from this nomination. This is a catch-22 that is not democratic, not the way this country operates.
We cannot let the screams of hatred and anger intimidate the country into complicity with and authorization of this horrendous political assassination tactic along with its obvious use of troubled individuals for nothing more than political gain. We cannot let the stall tactics of the democrats continue as they now attack the investigation that they called for.
I understand that Judge Kavanaugh might not be the individual that some would pick for the Supreme Court if their role was to nominate, but that does not mean that he is not highly qualified for the position. The Senate’s role in confirmation is not one of personal preference. In its role of advice and consent I would hope that the Senate would look to those legitimate qualifications and not at the distracting political circus and its many red herrings that have been produced over the past few weeks.
I will not rehash all the appalling events and red herrings of that circus. Let me just point out a few that are most troubling: the disregard of our Constitution, the rule of law, and core principles of democracy such as innocence until proof of guilt; the callous use of a clearly troubled woman for political purposes and with little if any regard for that woman herself, despite Democrat claims of this being about protecting women; the inflation of this nomination into a representative battle of various identity groups; the complete failure to focus on the qualifications and record of the nominee that are relevant to his service as a justice and failure of the Senate to properly carry out its role of Advice and Consent; the effect that this willingness to use smear tactics reminiscent of the Inquisition, McCarthyism, and Communist Russia will have on the likelihood of qualified individuals entering public service in the future.
The bottom line is that the tactics used by the Democrats to stall this nomination should be unacceptable to every American. The end does not justify by any means necessary. To accept that premise is to deny the importance of the principles of our Constitution and our democracy. It is those principles that allow for an honest and fair opposition, not the Stalinesque tactics that we have seen employed over the past few weeks. A no vote on Kavanaugh effectively endorses those undemocratic tactics.
We have a qualified candidate for Supreme Court Justice. Personal preferences aside, there is no reason not to vote YES. In this instance, that YES vote will further indicate a stand against the unsavory tactics demonstrated by the Democrats over the past weeks.
Anyone who believes in fairness and justice must now stand up for what is right, renounce the political assault we have been witnessing, and urge the Senate to confirm this highly qualified jurist.
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