The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Big Questions from the Mueller Hearings

I listened to Mueller testify today before both House committees.  It was boring and repetitive; there was nothing new.  The Democrats keep trying to convince us that Trump must be removed from office.  The Republicans keep showing us the bias and “witch hunt” nature of this whole investigation.

Nonetheless, the pundits will talk and talk and write and write about the same stuff they’ve been writing about since 2016.  They will analyze every word, every gesture, every question.  They will take this or that out of contest and make their argument for or against Trump (and, since we’re talking about the media, it will mostly be against Trump).  The politicians will pontificate about their righteousness.  

To what end?  Not for the good of the country surely.  It is time we moved on – finally! – though I doubt very much that we will.

I suspect that any significant analysis on my part has already appeared in my blog posts over the past two years, so rather than rehash, I will (a bit light-heartedly) list here the 10 big questions raised by today’s hearings:

1.  Why doesn’t Mueller get hearing aids?  (Even if his insurance doesn’t cover them, I’m sure he can afford them.)
2.  Did he not get any sleep the night before the hearing, or is he always this disoriented?
3.  Does he know what is in the report?
4.  Does he need a refresher course in the law – especially in what a prosecutor can, should, should not and cannot do?  (His answers would certainly indicate the answer to this question is YES)
5.  If not to just keep the cloud upon Trump, why on earth did Mueller decide to testify?
6.  Who was really in control during the investigation and does Mueller have any idea of who did what, when, where or why?
7.  Do Schiff and Nadler really think they have anything, let alone enough, for impeachment? (And if they do, do they need their heads examined or are they just that totally crazy over Trump-hate?)
8.  When will we get the rest of the story? (the bit about Russian collusion by those Trump-haters whom Mueller said it was beyond his investigation to investigate, even though there was evidence in or concurrent with the investigation of lies or other activity that should prompt investigation by anyone who is really concerned about foreign interference more than in simply getting Trump)
9.  How much could have been accomplished by the members of these two committees and their staff if they didn’t spend their time simply reading their favorite excerpts from the report that we can all read if we care to (and which I and many Americans have done - yes, the entire report)?
10.  Will we ever see an end to this craziness and what it is costing our country, both financially and emotionally?

Actually, we should take this whole thing more seriously – not the report, but the refusal to let it go.  It and the Democrats who are perpetuating this madness are destroying our country by continuing to tear its people apart.  

My message for the Democrats:  Give it up, focus on the real issues before us, stop hating, and get something done for the people who elected you and who are currently suffering because of your power-hungry self-absorption.

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