Wow these people are full of hate!
The Democratic convention is now over. I’m not sure what they needed 4 days for. Certainly not to tell us about their candidate or their platform. Most speeches spent about 1% or less of their time talking about the Democrats and their plan. The rest of the time was spent on Trump-bashing.
What this amounted to was a 4-day hate-fest. About the only thing we learned was that Trump Derangement Syndrome is going nowhere and that the Democrats seem to have nothing in the way of platform – at least nothing that they are willing to honestly tell us about before the election.
The most informative piece of the convention was AOC’s one minute. In that one minute she actually summarized for us the entire Democrat plan for the USA. They could have just put that speech out and not wasted anymore time.
Here is the entire text of her speech (which was actually 1:24
minutes). The underlining is mine,
noting the points I will discuss in more detail below:
Good evening and thank you to everyone here today endeavoring towards a better, more just future for our country and our world in fidelity and gratitude to a mass people’s movement, working to establish 21st century social, economic and human rights, including guaranteed healthcare, higher education, living wages and labor rights for all people in the United States. A movement striving to recognize and repair the wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny and homophobia. And to propose and build re-imagined systems of immigration and foreign policy that turn away from the violence and xenophobia of our past. A movement that realizes the unsustainable brutality of an economy that rewards explosive inequalities of wealth for the few at the expense of longterm stability for the many, and who organized a historic grassroots campaign to reclaim our democracy. In a time when millions of people in the United States are looking for deep systemic solutions to our crises of mass evictions, unemployment and lack of healthcare, and out of a love for all people, I hear by second the nomination of Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont for President of the United States of America.
This is a clear socialist agenda. It snuck in as a second to the nomination of Bernie Sanders. But it echos everything that we hear from every corner of the Democrat party. Let’s look at it a little more closely. The words sound lovely. They create a vision of a beautiful place. But let’s look at 5 key phrases and what they really mean.
1. “working to establish 21st century social, economic and human rights, including guaranteed healthcare, higher education, living wages and labor rights for all people in the United States.”
What this says is that the Democrat goal is that EVERY person living in the United States, (not just citizens) will look to the government to provide for them: healthcare, higher education, a guaranteed wage, a job. What it does not say is where the money for this will come from. Certainly the current tax burden will not cover all this and so it would seem that one of two things are necessary to make this happen: either taxes must be significantly increased or the benefits are not going to be as wonderful as they sound. For example, what kind of healthcare will be provided? Who will decide who gets what when there is not enough to go around?
2. “striving to recognize and repair the wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny and homophobia.”
These of course are the buzz words of the Democrats. “Racial injustice” – they love to spout this phrase as justification for their identitarian politics that divide us into hateful and competing identity groups. They urge one group to find their victimhood based on such things as “colonization, misogyny and homophobia.” They then urge these victims to hate those whom they have labeled as the perpetrators of these evils and thus the ones responsible for the victimhood of those labeled as victims. (This by the way is a classic socialist political technique.) Their fine words do nothing to improve or heal America. Instead they are specifically designed to tear us apart.
3. “And to propose and build re-imagined systems of immigration and foreign policy”
Again, fine words. But what would that new and re-imagined system be? For one, we know that the Democrats favor if not open borders then widely loosened immigration laws. They are perfectly willing to accept illegal immigrants as legal equals to those who follow requirements and enter the country legally. In their desire to remake America in a way that establishes their own power, they are willing to overlook the centuries of not just American but World history that demonstrates that a country requires borders if it is to be a country. They don’t seem to be willing to consider the effect that unlimited immigration has on the economy and job market, not to mention crime and culture.
In the same vein, they denounce our current foreign policy. This is a policy that has brought us an historic middle east peace agreement, talks with countries such as North Korea which, until this president, was considered beyond any hope for reduced tension. Current policy has revised old trade agreements to the benefit of our country and our citizens rather than to the benefit of foreign powers. These and many other accomplishments of President Trump are apparently disdained by the Democrats and their hate. They will likely return us to a policy that favors not our people but those who benefit the Democrats and their own power.
4. “A movement that realizes the unsustainable brutality of an economy that rewards explosive inequalities of wealth for the few at the expense of longterm stability for the many, and who organized a historic grassroots campaign to reclaim our democracy.”
What this says is that the Democrats are against capitalism. Capitalism rewards one for one’s own work and accomplishments. Because those are different for everyone, based in large part of the individual’s own desires and motivations, there will be inequalities in those rewards. The Democrats would instead take those rewards from those who justly earned them and redistribute them so that everyone would receive the same.
There are two problems with this: first, it destroys incentive and as the motivation to work for a reward decreases so will the actual reward be less. What this leads to is the second problem: There will be less to redistribute. While everyone in the Democrats’ ideal world may get the same, there is no definition or guarantee as to what that sameness will be. Picture the bread lines in any socialist regime and you have an example of everyone getting their equal piece of what is left to go around. Under capitalism, people work hard for what it is that they desire and they have the choice as to how hard they will work. That choice is part of democracy, something that the Democrats seem to despise.
5. “deep systemic solutions to our crises of mass evictions, unemployment and lack of healthcare”
I am not sure that we have a crisis of mass evictions, unemployment, or healthcare, but if we did, the Democrats seem unable to tell us what their solutions are. That is, what is their platform? We know that they favor some form of universal government healthcare, but is that really a solution? As noted above, how will they pay for it and what would it really provide? As to unemployment, President Trump, prior to CoVid, gave us the best employment figures ever, especially for minorities and women. Even with CoVid, we see the unemployment rates steadily going back down. Yet the Democrats detest Trump and his policies which indeed were solutions that the Democrats have never been able to give us. Similarly, evictions are not mass, though CoVid has caused problems. But it is the President who has sought and to some extent succeeded in halting CoVid based evictions. So, where is the need for a solution when one is already provided?
Not unlike their presidential candidate, the Democrats are empty when it comes to providing substance about their policies. They talk a good game, they tell us how they have a “love for all people.” But they do not show us that love. Look at their policies. How have inner city Blacks fared for the last 50 or so years under their leadership of victimhood identity? Rather than raising people up, the Democrats, who think they know better than us, keep people down and dependent. Why? Because if we are dependent upon them, we will need to keep them in power.
It is President Trump, not the Democrats, who has begun to empower people of all group identities to rise up and better themselves. Women, Blacks, Hispanics, Poor, People of all Faiths or of none. The equality that he envisions and that has begun to manifest itself under his administration is one of better, more equal opportunity for all. It is not that which the Democrats envision: dependent victims who must reap not their own rewards but those of others; a country in which wealth and other rewards are redistributed so that everyone has the same, and what that is will be decided not by the individual, but by those in power.
When AOC refers to deep systemic solutions, reimagined and rebuilt systems, she is stating the obvious plan if anyone listens to the Democrats: Rebuilding America to their liking rather than as envisioned and as carried out for the last 244 years. What no one should forget is that before you can rebuild, you must tear down what currently exists. That is the Democrat plan.
I don’t know if Joe Biden understands the plan, but I am sure that his handlers and his chosen VP do. I think the Democrats spent little time on their vision because they don’t want us to be fully aware of their plans. Rather, they spend their time ginning up hate for the current President. Someone who many find hard to like, but who, unlike the Democrats, is a man of action. Unlike the Democrats who rarely keep campaign promises, President Trump keeps his. President Trump’s words may not have the soothing sounds of the Democrats’ song of love for all, but unlike the Democrats whose words do nothing to heal or fix anything, Donald Trump is indeed getting things done, not for himself, but for this country and its citizenry.
I leave you with a list of President Trump’s accomplishments since taking office – not complete, but quite thorough. Take a look, because the Democrats and their sycophant partner main stream media will never tell you any of this. Consider it along with the Democrats’ 4 days of nothing but hate before you vote.
Trump Accomplishments LINK
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