The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Of Dogs and Cats and Politics


The following is from Parade Magazine today, 9/13/2020:



As I read this, I couldn’t help but think of the Left.  As they tell us what to say, what to think, what to eat, what to wear, etc. aren’t they doing to us what has been done to dogs?  Aren’t they in essence trying to domesticate us to be obedient to their commands?

And, as people become more and more “domesticated,” just like domesticated pets they lose their innate ability to think, to question what is happening to them.

The Left and the socialists and their colleague the media would have us obey their commands:  speak only approved thoughts, perform only approved activities.  

Like dog owners who “discipline” their animals, the Left “disciplines” those who do not speak or behave “correctly.”  They call them names and scream at them, and just as a dog owner sometimes resorts to physical punishment, the Left can be seen doing the same as they beat those proclaiming or wearing a political position of which they do not approve.   

Abusive dog owners will try to beat their dogs into submission; some of the Left takes the same approach toward those who will not submit to their dogma.

Just as dogs are trainable, the Left would make people trainable to their views.  And the more those people become “domesticated” the less innate sense they have to question what is happening to them – like domesticated dogs, they lose brain power “in favor of obedient behavior.”

Dogs are wonderful creatures, but regardless of how much they may become a part of our families, there is no question about who is in control and who is subservient to and dependent on that control.

There is no question that the Left, in their ideal world, would hold the same sort of power and control over the rest of us whom the Left would make dependent on and hence subservient to their power.

I often wonder why people are not asking questions, especially “why?”, when the Left makes its many assertions and demands, when it tries to conform us all to their thinking and ways of acting.  In many ways the above article answers my question:  the domestication by the Left is already well in progress and numbing individuals' innate powers of thought.

The Left's handmaiden the media tells us what to think, whom to like, how to vote.  The loud voices (and sometimes violence) of the Left enforces those commands.  We are being domesticated.  We are being trained.  Trained to allow another to think for us, to make our decisions for us, to tell us what to do and in the end to tell us who we are.

And once that domestication process is complete, once we have been well trained and have given up our innate brainpower to our trainers, we will be completely dependent upon them and their power.  This is the socialist dream.  This is the Left’s ideal.  They believe that, being somehow superior to the rest of us, that they can and should be the masters of our lives.  History shows us that never ends well.

Perhaps the Left is the thunder and we should be afraid, for once we have lost our innate ability to ignore their attempts to control us we are indeed in grave danger.  Only when we refuse to be domesticated to their will can we survive as the independent and thinking individuals that we are capable of being.

Next time the media asserts its opinion, next time the Left tells you what to think or why your opinions are wrong or don’t count, ask “WHY?”  Be the independent cat in this story who will notice but ignore the thunder of the Left.





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