The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Real Elections Require Honesty and Fairness and Sometimes Patience

 Elections.   Most every country has them, but they are not all the same.  In some countries we know that despite the people going to polls to vote that the result has been predetermined by those in power.  We laugh when leaders like Putin “amazingly” receive an almost unanimous vote. 

We laugh, because we know that in America that doesn’t happen – we vote, our votes are counted, and we the people decide the winner.  We have faith in that.  At least until now.

But now only a fool would think that there were no irregularities in this election.  Whether that changed the result, we will likely never know.  But it cannot help but change the faith of the people in our elections, both now and in the future.

But this is not just a problem with the fraud itself, it is a problem with the way we are reacting to it.  And that is what I want to address here.

First, there are credible acts of fraud, sworn affidavits by numerous poll workers, a small number of whistle blowers who were poll officials unattached to either party, obituaries from a year or more ago of people who seemingly also cast votes in this election, etc. etc.  The MSM does not report this because it does not fit their narrative.  The credible allegations by Republicans are regularly referred to by the press as “unsubstantiated” and “unproven.”  Well, of course they are at this point only allegations – that is why the Republicans ask for investigations that would prove or disprove what are credible and sworn statements of fraud.

By way of example of what is being alleged and some of the affidavits, here is a link to the complaint filed in Wayne County, Michigan (LINK). It is long.  The affidavits are near the end.  Its allegations are less egregious than what is being found and asserted in Pennsylvania and Georgia and perhaps other states.  

As I write this, the Georgia Secretary of State has announced a state wide hand recount.  The reason for the recount is to create trust in the ultimate result.  Yet even as it reports that announcement the press continues to call the allegations unmerited and essentially characterize them as nothing more than sore losing.  

Any citizen who truly cares about free and fair elections should be concerned.  And that concern should go far beyond the results in Trump v. Biden.  Because if we cannot trust our elections, if the identities of the dead are being stolen, if legitimate votes are not being counted while illegitimate ones are, then we are all being disenfranchised.  And we will never again be able to take the results of our elections seriously.

Any realist will acknowledge that no election is fraud free; there are always some dead people who vote.  But the problem this year was the huge amount of mail in ballots.  The mass mail in balloting of this year must be distinguished from absentee balloting which requires a request for a ballot as well as other verification procedures in order for one to cast a vote by mail.  But general mail in balloting has no such protections.  The following quote from The Kafka Election: Finding a Way Out of the Maze  (LINK) lays out the problem with frightening clarity:

          When you vote in person, you first make an active choice to vote, confirm your identity as a registered voter to a poll worker, then mark your ballot privately but in the presence of other people, and finally hand it off to a poll worker who scans it directly into a vote-counting machine while you watch. In other words, you establish your legal right to vote and have a secure chain of custody of your ballot until it is scanned, which you yourself participate in.         

        None of those steps is present in mail balloting. You are a passive recipient of a ballot, your identity is assumed rather than confirmed, you may be marking your ballot under pressure of either family members or strangers, and you send the ballot to an anonymous election worker through any number of insecure methods of transmission. You have no assurance that your vote has been counted, and what’s worse, you may not even be a participant in your own vote being cast in your name.  

           The most important thing to remember about mail ballots is that once they are separated from their secrecy envelope, they are completely unidentifiable. They may have come from legal voters, or they may not have. They may have come in the mail, or they may have come in the soda delivery truck. They may have come one at a time, or they may have come 100,000 at a time.

                         And no one will ever know.”

We should all remember that near the end of the first presidential debate, moderator Chris Wallace asked Biden if he would “pledge not to declare victory until the election is independently certified.”  Joe Biden answered, “yes.”  Wallace then asked, “Will you urge your supporters to stay calm while the vote is counted, and will you pledge not to declare victory until the election is independently certified?” “Yes,” answered Biden.  (See C-Span video of that debate HERE.  This exchange happens about an hour and a half in)

Yet Biden, now proclaimed by the media and his party to be our next president, despite no certifications, and with legitimate ongoing challenges and recounts, does nothing to urge calm or patience.  Rather, he and his handlers and supporters mock the Republicans as simply sore losers for being concerned about the validity and fairness of one of the most importance processes of our democracy – the people’s vote.

Biden and the rest of America should review the Constitution.  The Electors must vote before we have a President-elect and that vote must be certified.  That is scheduled to occur in December.  That has not happened yet this year, so while we can have a presumptive or predictive President-elect, we legally and Constitutionally do not have an actual President-elect.  And the one who claims to hold that title should be the first one to understand that and to clarify our Constitution to us.  Afterall, the actual president must take an oath to uphold that very same Constitution.

Indeed, that is what makes us different from the countries whose obvious manipulated elections we laugh at.  We are a country of laws, not of emotion and mob rule.  We are governed by laws, not media.  We the people are the ones in control, not the ones who scream loudest or who have the best emotional propaganda.  To quote the current presumptive winner, “c’mon man.”  And by that I mean, c’mon, stop pretending and follow the facts and the law.  If Biden and his supporters really believe their victory is secure, then why not take the time to prove it?

As the above explanation of mail in ballot fraud demonstrates, we will never know what the true result of legitimate votes in this election was because once the illegal vote is put into the tabulating machine it becomes unidentifiable.  Even if we were able to say there had been a precise number of fraudulent ballots cast, we would not be able to tell specifically which of those votes were the fraudulent ones. 

So, as the Democrats now assert, it is unlikely that even if the challenges successfully show significant and possibly result changing voter fraud, we will nonetheless likely not see a change in the current narrative proclaimed to us by the media.

Whether any fraud was conceived and designed at some broad level with some master plan, or whether it was simply a result of a number of poll workers suffering from the hatred of Trump Derangement Syndrome, it doesn’t matter.  The fact is, the mass mail in allows it to happen and it is next to impossible, once it has happened, to determine for whom the actual legal votes were cast.

But that does not mean we should just ignore what went on.  It does not mean that we should just let the media decide for us when they decide that the time is right.  It does not mean that we should let the media and the presumptive winning party simply acclimate us to that win so that we accept it as we do so much of what we hear repeated to us on our various media sources. 

It does not mean that we should not demand, both now and in the future, that every legal vote be counted and that only legal votes be counted.  It does not mean that we should accept, or worse participate in, condemnation of someone who with credible evidence challenges election results.

Yet, that is what is happening.   We are being encouraged to just forget this and move on.  The presumptive winner, who said he would be the president for all Americans, seemingly does not care enough about those Americans to keep his word or to ensure for them that these as well as future results will be fair and honest.  That tells us a lot, doesn’t it?

Mass mail-in balloting was widespread in this election, and as predicted it was fraught with fraud.  Yet now the people are used to the convenience of mail in.  They will want to use it again and regularly.  If we do not fix its problems now, we will never again have an election result that the people can trust and believe in.  And every single American should care about that.  Even if this election provides you with the results you like, that does not mean that future fraud will do the same.

We need to return to elections that we can be proud of and that we can trust.  That requires patience.  It requires support for the investigation of legitimate and credible allegations of fraud.  It requires not letting the media decide who won.   Only when we know that the results are honest can the winner truly claim victory and delight in the result and only then can those who lost know that they were not cheated out of victory.  And what is wrong with waiting to prove an honest result?


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