The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Lullaby of the Left

A lullaby is something that is sung to someone to get them to sleep.  It calms (lulls) them with soothing sounds.  When we want children to sleep we sing them a lullaby.  Once they are sleeping we can perhaps do some things that their awake presence would keep us from getting done.

What I think is that we are all being lulled by the media’s lack of hysteria about political issues and specifically in contrast with the previous administration.  For four years we were kept awake with the constant frenzy of hyperbolic claims about the dreadfulness of the president’s words and actions.

Now, we hear calm words like “unity” and “humanitarian”.  There is no frenzy, no turmoil, no histrionics.  In fact, there is almost nothing.  A calm.  Nothing to see, nothing to hear.  Just go to sleep.  Pay no attention to what is really going on.

So what is going on?  First, there is a crisis at the border.  A humanitarian crisis as well as an immigration crisis.   We have a border which President Biden has insured is so porous that it in effect does not exist.  Even his advisor, speaking in Spanish so apparently not primarily to Americans, “mistakenly” announced that our borders are open.   Pay no attention though.

Hundreds of thousands of unvetted immigrants, many unaccompanied minors, are released into our interior without even a cursory check on health (including those whose state tests later show as positive for Covid) let alone any real questions about reasons for entering.  What Biden once called cages are now overflowing at over 100% capacity.  While admitting anyone who actually gets to our border, we are also sending millions of dollars to those who remain in countries that do not provide for them what is available to American citizens. 

We are told this is just Biden the humanitarian, taking care of the world.  Nothing to wake up over.  Don’t concern yourself with the very unhumanitarian effects of overcrowded cages, unaccompanied and trafficked minors, deadly consequences of huge caravans and lengthy treks, along with the overwhelming effect on this country and its citizens.  Things are fine.  Afterall, detention centers are now “welcome centers.”   Just go to sleep.

Cosmetic changes abound as part of the lullaby’s pretty pictures.   The Act which destroys women’s sports, mandates radical curriculum in schools, denies the scientific distinctions between sexes replacing them with gender choice and other similar mandates, is called the “Equality Act.”  If anything, it destroys the equality that is supposed to exist of and for all Americans.  But nothing to see, the name should calm you, go to sleep.

The 1.9 Trillion Covid Relief Bill primarily has nothing to do with Covid Relief.  Fewer Americans will get stimulus checks.  But it provides funding for any number of Leftist agenda items.  Just one example: there is a “racial justice” portion that provides 4 billion in debt relief to farmers of color.  Apparently white farmers with debt are not entitled to relief.  This seems a blatant violation of the Civil Rights Act which prohibits discrimination based on, amongst other things, race, color, and national origin.  But beyond that it is in effect a payment of reparations and some activists are celebrating it as just that.  But, go back to sleep, nothing to see here.

The Voting Rights Bill effectively destroys any hope of election security or integrity.  Any efforts to insure that only those entitled to vote actually vote are referred to by the Left as attempts to disenfranchise people of color.  That’s like saying enforcing a no cheating rule on a test is wrong because it prohibits everyone from getting an A.  But, just accept the cosmetically pleasant title: “Voting Rights.”  Ignore the fact that it actually disenfranchises legitimate voters by diluting the effect of their vote.

Moreover, this act fundamentally changes voting in that it takes away a state’s power to control its own elections as it creates a set of national voter registration and mail-in voting standards with the feds, not the states, keeping those rolls up to date.  It is grand dictatorships that allow the central power to govern elections; America is built on the concept of very limited federal power and a retention to each state of those powers not specifically designated to the federal government.  But, no worry, nothing to see here, move on and go back to sleep.

Last night in his first speech to the nation since his inauguration, President Biden did not mention anything about the above actions taken while you were sleeping or the rest of the Left agenda lurking for when you awake.  He has yet to make himself available for questions on any of these matters, including whether it is his agenda or if he is just providing his signature.

His speech only addressed vaccines and possible opening following Covid.  After essentially blaming his predecessor for Covid and giving then-president Trump no credit for his Operation Warp Speed that got us the vaccines in early December, Biden essentially took full credit for ending Covid as he told us we would unite and be able to have small groups gather on July 4th – maybe.  He made a big deal of telling us that every American would be registered for vaccine by May 1; he more softly admitted that it did not mean that we would get the vaccine by then and there was no indication of when that might actually occur.

The above are just summaries of some of the more major “accomplishments” of the Left while the people have been sleeping.  They have put us to sleep with their cosmetic coverings and their soothing words, words like humanitarian, unifier, good, quiet, peaceful.   But if you really listen, their lullaby is less sweet than some we may be more familiar with; it seems rather more like this old Icelandic song:

Beeum, beeum, bambalow, Bambalow and dillidillidow.
My little friend I lull to rest.
But outside
A face looms at the window.

That face is the Left. But don’t look there. Just go to sleep.  Pay no attention to what the Left is doing while you sleep.  Because if you do, you are likely to find yourself in shock as you awake to Biden and the Left’s “Brave New World,” a world that also had a pretty cosmetic motto (“community, identity and stability”) for its dystopian existence.

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