The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Joe’s World

Welcome to Joe’s World, a place totally disengaged from reality.  Now even acknowledged by CNN, ABC, NBC, and other members of the mainstream media (aka the Democrat propaganda machine).

Anyone who has watched President Biden over the last few days has got to see how disconnected he is from reality, and especially from the reality of what is happening on the ground in Kabul.  Today in his rambling press conference he told us there is no problem getting to the Kabul airport to be airlifted out. 

Meanwhile, the media tells and shows us that the Taliban has set up checkpoints around the airport that may or may not let people, including Americans, through.  They show us the Taliban going house to house searching for American allies whom they beat or worse, they show us indiscriminate whippings taking place outside the Kabul airport.   Military and security officials state that Americans are being beaten, yet Biden tells us that no one is impeded as they make their way to the airport.

ABC’s Afghanistan correspondent Ian Pannell stated that “It just seems the reality and the rhetoric are miles apart. I’m not quite sure what advice the president is receiving. But the truth on the ground is that these people who are in fear of their lives can’t get through.”

The President told us that Al Qaeda is no longer in Afghanistan.  Barely an hour later, a spokesman for the Defense Department stated, "We know that Al Qaeda is a presence as well as ISIS in Afghanistan."

Biden states we will get all the Americans out, but he has no idea how we will do so or how many Americans are in Afghanistan.  He won’t put up a secure perimeter around the airport.  He will not allow our troops to go outside the airport to rescue Americans or the Afghanis who aided our troops as translators and others.  Britain and France are doing this, but not Joe.   

Biden says that “any American who wants to come home we will get home.”  But then he says he “cannot promise what the final outcome will be.”   Perhaps he thinks that just saying everyone will get out will simply make it so.  It will not.

But beyond the lies spouted to create his fictional narrative that all is well in Afghanistan and that he is some sort of a hero for creating this mess (he stated the pull out could not have been done better than this), what was truly frightening when I watched today’s press conference (as well as much of the Stephanopoulos interview with him yesterday along with reading the transcript of the omitted parts of that interview) is the more general rambling dissociation that Biden seems to have.

Biden is truly disengaged from reality.  But I don’t know if it is lies or lack of mental competence.  Either way, it is embarrassing to see this behavior in the President of the United States of America.  And it is frightening.  To me he seems like a senile old man that I wouldn’t let near my kitchen stove for fear of some disaster, yet this is the man who has his finger on the button of our nuclear arsenal.  Think about that for a minute, especially those of you who wrung your hands for four years because Trump had that access, crying that the world would end.

Biden, like a cranky old man, decided to pull out of Afghanistan and so he did.  Period.  His mission was accomplished.  But it was done so without a plan, without thought, without listening or hearing the advice of his own experts, without any concern for the survival of American citizens and their allies.  This is not the behavior of a competent president of the greatest nation in the world.

Like a child, or like an adult with an infantile mind, Biden just did what he felt like - apparently without any thought. This is truly dangerous behavior for an American President.

So where is everyone who was so concerned about every daily word and gesture of President Trump?  Have you lost interest in America?  Are you ashamed that you voted for this sad excuse for a world leader?  Are the voices in your heads telling you “Walk on by, nothing to see here”?

If the past 8 months have not already convinced you that the mind of our current president is not up to the task, then certainly this Afghanistan debacle should persuade you.  Joe may or may not be a nice guy, but he is not competent to hold office. 

This country is in crisis.  Not because it is not woke, but because its President is asleep at the wheel.  His world, and his alleged leadership, is disconnected from reality.  As such, he is destroying America if not the world.  And too many Americans seem to be willing to just close their eyes and let him do it.

Now is not the time to turn your back on America like Joe seems to be doing.

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