The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Whose Side is Biden on?

 Supporting Putin's war with our oil money, negotiating to buy Venezuelan oil and thus help finance another dictatorship, joining Russia and China in a deal very favorable to Iran and its nuclear program, all while destroying American economy and culture – it sure looks like Biden has chosen to align with socialist dictatorships rather than democracy.


Let’s look at the oil aspect of this.  Under the previous administration (the one with the mean tweets that also actually did so much to make America and its economy great again) we were energy independent. 

As part of the numerous policy reversals that Biden took upon becoming President, actions seemingly simply taken out of spite and not based on thought or logical rationale, he halted pipelines, oil leases, and oil production in America.  We are no longer energy independent.

So, having made us dependent upon foreign oil, Biden has put this country in the position of funding Russia’s war against Ukraine.  This is a position that he could remove us from almost immediately simply by restarting American oil and gas production.  Not only would we once again be energy independent, we would be able to provide energy to European countries currently dependent on Russian oil.  We could cut off the supply of blood money to Russia.

That alone would be good.  The reopening of our internal energy production would provide jobs and income and would boost our economy.  It would help to fight Biden’s inflation including the daily price hikes at the gas pumps.

But Biden refuses to do this.  He does not want us to be energy independent.  He says we can help the Ukrainians by going green instead.  Do the environmental experts at the White House not understand that we cannot go green overnight? That just because we are not getting gas and oil from America does not mean that it is not being produced elsewhere, probably less cleanly than we do it here and with the additional environmental impact of transporting foreign oil to our country?

No, he apparently does not understand that (or chooses not to).  Instead, he is negotiating with Venezuela.  His secret oil meeting with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was a huge PR boost for the socialist regime, a regime with notoriously outrageous human rights abuses.  Biden may be willing to trade our giving blood money to Russia for our giving it to Venezuela, but he is not willing to simply bring the money back home and produce the oil here.

Biden is also negotiating with Saudi Arabia and who knows what other countries; negotiations that are unnecessary when he could simply open U.S. oil production again.  (I’m wondering if North Korea has oil, maybe we could give them some blood money too.)

What kind of president acts so callously and so disregards his country’s own people?  Only one who is senile or simply hates his own country so much that he would perhaps enjoy seeing it destroyed.


Everyone needs to recognize that Russia’s war on Ukraine is a complicated situation with a long history leading to this Russian invasion and there are many who merit some blame.  Let’s also acknowledge that Putin does not see the world as we do, and at the moment he has a very destructive focus that is likely to go well beyond Ukraine.

But did this war have to happen?  Perhaps, and perhaps not.  But certainly, the actions of President Biden leading up to the Russian invasion were not wise, did nothing to prevent the attack, and likely provided encouragement to Putin.

Beyond removing sanctions, including sanctions on oil, that the prior administration had in place, Biden also failed in other ways that served to encourage Putin. 

Biden completely failed in the Afghanistan withdrawal last fall, something of which the Putin administration surely took note of.  As Putin then began increasing troops at Ukraine’s border, Biden did little more than wring his hands.  What little more he did was not helpful. 

Biden issued warnings to Putin, but never followed through.  He said we would not commit troops, which was an assurance to Putin that he would not have to face American soldiers.  Biden told Putin that “small incursions” would not warrant serious retaliation.  

Biden stated he would use sanctions as a deterrent at the right time.  Note to Biden:  deterrent means something that discourages someone from doing something.  If you want sanctions to deter an invasion, you need to use them before the invasion occurs.

After the invasion which Biden did nothing to deter, he announced sanctions while stating that sanctions never work, and it would be months before they could take any effect.  Did he not notice the Russian troops piling up at Ukraine’s border on which maybe sanctions imposed earlier might have been able to have a deterring effect?  Or did he just choose to let Putin move forward?

And now, Russia has invaded.  Biden bemoans the damage and destruction to Ukraine and imposes sanctions that are likely to have no effect whatsoever on Putin’s decisions to move forward and continue his attacks on Ukraine.  And the one sanction that might actually have some effect – cutting the purchase of Russian oil – Biden refuses to impose.

Again, I ask, what kind of president acts so callously and so disregards his country’s own people, not to mention the people of Ukraine? What kind of President seeks out countries that would like to destroy us as business partners from whom we will buy products we could easily produce ourselves? Again, the answer seems to be only a president who is senile or simply hates his own country so much that he would perhaps enjoy seeing it destroyed.


There is so much bending to China’s will, primarily because we need much of what China provides to us.  Again, I note, that President Biden, while saying words like “buy American”, does nothing to encourage making that a reality and hence ending some dependence on China. 

China is not our friend.  Nonetheless, Biden provided our intelligence about the war, how he would handle sanctions, etc., to China.  Was Biden the only one to whom it was not obvious that China would immediately provide all that information to Russia?

But perhaps worse is his overlooking of the Chinese genocide of the Uyghur Muslims.  Biden talks a good talk about his concern for human rights, both in our country and abroad, but he certainly does not walk the walk. 

Again, I ask, what American who appreciates democracy can ignore so much that is undemocratic?


The new Iran deal will be finalized in the coming days.  Iran is our sworn enemy, yet Biden has continued to negotiate with Russia, China, and Iran, all enemies of the United States.  The agreement will restore nuclear capability to Iran and, in the words of a Russian diplomat taking part in the talks, “Tehran got much more than anyone expected.”


So, again, I ask, what the heck is our President doing?  Certainly not conscientiously fulfilling his oath of office.  Certainly not competently carrying out his duties.  Certainly not doing what is best for America.  But yes, acting in any number of ways that are benefiting our enemies and those who are the enemies of democracy.    For an American president this is simply unacceptable.

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