The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Two Questions, One Answer

Are we, is America, really as far gone as it seems?
Or, from another perspective, are we really as close to the goal of remaking America as it seems?

And, in these two questions lies much of the problem.  Ignoring the fringe elements that exist on all sides, there is a view from one end of the spectrum that sees America and its way of life, including traditional values, being thrown aside as it reels out of control trying to satisfy every self-centered and hedonistic demand, demanding political correctness that has the effect of condemning and silencing those who disagree.  On the other side is the view that the traditional America and its traditional values and structures do not well serve the 21st century.  It sees those values as limiting, discriminatory, and bigoted and believes that only by remaking America and its traditional values can those negative aspects be eliminated.

We seem to have reached a point where both sides feel significantly threatened by the other.  So threatened that they believe that in one way or another the other side should cease to exist.  How do we resolve this? Can this be resolved?   

Politicians are unwilling to discuss and compromise for the good of the country.  We cannot look to them for role models.  The people have consecutively elected two outsiders, very different but both sent to Washington in part to shake up the existing power structure.  So far this has not worked.  The first Black President who had little Washington experience only succeeded in making race relations worse and in intensifying hatred from both sides.  (And I do not want to get into a discussion of who started it and who is simply reacting, nor do I accept that it is somehow all based in racism – in my opinion it is far more complicated than that).  Nonetheless, during Obama’s term in office the country moved significantly to the left, especially in social values.  This delighted some while terrifying others.   The people then elected a complete outsider, some in the hopes that he would move the country back to its center.  President Trump has indeed accomplished much while in office, but his every word also inflames the Left who, on a daily basis, try to gin up hatred against him.   

I am unwilling to believe that the only way this can be resolved is to completely change our form of government from a democratic republic to something else.  Nor do I believe that traditional America must be locked in a specific time warp never to evolve.  

Here is what I believe.  I think that a big part of our country’s current problem is that a large part of our citizenry have no understanding of our country – its history and its government and how that government works.  Our Constitution is an amazing document.  If we would all take the time to read it, understand it, and try our very best to follow its directives I think that would be a strong beginning to solving the serious divide that currently exists.  At least we would all be on the same page about what our country is and what it is not, how it and our system of government works.  If there are changes desired or needed, the conversation has to begin with what is the current actuality.  But, more importantly, I believe that if everyone was schooled in the Constitution and if citizens believed that as an American that Constitution must be respected and supported, then I think we would be closer to bridging that which divides us.

And, note, that understanding, respecting and supporting the Constitution does not mean that we all must agree or hold the same views and values.  That is the beauty of our Constitution and the form of government it engenders.  It insures a tolerance and a respect for many diverse views.  It provides means for us to address differences and to resolve those differences in a way that is healthy and good for everyone and the country, regardless of individual preferences or values.  It prohibits the imposition of just one point of view on the entire citizenry.  Perhaps we should all reread it and give it another try.

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