Once upon a time the ACLU looked out for everyone’s civil
liberties; they were the number one defender of the first amendment, protecting
even unpopular views and speech because the right to hold and speak even the
most distasteful ideas is a basic tenet of our government. The tolerance that such free speech engenders
is a necessary ingredient of our democracy.
At one time I was on the board of directors of a local ACLU chapter in
large part because I feel so strongly about these constitutional
protections. So, you will understand my
dismay when I received the below described questionnaire (really a request for
money) from the national ACLU.
The mailing begins with a cover letter that makes clear the
ACLU’s complete loathing for President Trump.
(Actually, they seem unable to even refer to him as President). While once upon a time the ACLU only took the
side of free speech and the constitution, it now appears to take sides with the
anti-Trumpers and the Progressive Left agenda to stop anything Trump, regardless
of the fact that some actions that they may find distasteful are fully constitutional
and reflect the voice of the people who elected President Trump. While the letter claims to request money to
help the ACLU “defend the Constitution and the rights it protects,” a look at
the detailed text of the letter and the questionnaire that accompanies it
reveal that what the ACLU really wants to do is suppress any free speech that
is contrary to the positions of the Left and in so doing suppress the tolerance
for other and opposing views that is the embodiment of the first amendment and
of our democratic republic.
The mailing requests my support because I am “alarmed” by
Donald Trump’s “abuses of power” and the “deep and lasting damage” that he will
do to our democracy. They give no
specifics. But I wonder why they are
focused only on such abuses by President Trump.
If indeed he has abused power, so have many others, both Democrat and
Republican. Why is the focus only
The mailing suggests that “voter suppression laws and
baseless claims about voter fraud” will impact the 2018 elections. Well, on what evidence do they find these
claims baseless? Just today I read of an
individual who was sentenced to jail time in Virginia for registering dead
people to vote as Democrats. Was that
baseless? Or is the wording of the
questionnaire simply to stir up some anti-Trump sentiment since it is the
position of the Left that any attempt to insure that only legitimate voters
vote is somehow considered an affront to our democracy?
The mailing suggests we must now be concerned because we
will now see immigration raids that are racist and that will tear families
apart. Again, what evidence? And, hasn’t deportation always had the
potential to “tear families apart”?
Actually, enforcement of any law has the potential of tearing families
apart. And, calling such enforcement
racist just perpetuates the Left’s use of identity politics which has succeeded
only in tearing this country apart and in justifying suppression of free
speech. It is appalling that the ACLU,
once the defender of free speech for all, would engage in the use of this tactic.
The mailing suggests we must be worried because the
President and Congress “will succeed in defunding Planned Parenthood and
passing a federal abortion ban.” This statement
assumes that we all agree with the pro-abortion position and implies that there
is something wrong with those who don’t.
Again, there are many in this country who would applaud such a move;
does the ACLU disregard their view? The
intolerance here is obvious and, from a group that claims to represent the
civil liberties of all it is most disappointing.
The mailing asks if the reader agrees that banning refuges and
others based on their religion violates our principles. In the context of this questionnaire the
question expects the reader to assume that is what the Trump administration is
doing and thus prompt the answer of agreement.
But, the Trump travel bans on their face are not based on religion, so
the entire premise of the question is false.
And shame on the ACLU for using this tactic to again support the
Democrat agenda.
Finally, the mailer asks if the reader is concerned about “the
disregard for the First Amendment and the suppression of free speech and protest
that is emanating from the White House?”
Why, I wonder, is there nothing about the disregard for the First
Amendment and the suppression of free speech and protest that is emanating from
the Left, from the Democrats, from all the anti-Trumpers who believe that any
speech favorable to the President or in disagreement with the views of the Left
should not be tolerated and can and should be suppressed with impunity?
The full questionnaire completely disregards any attacks on
civil liberties or suppression of free speech that is furthered by the
Left. It incorporates unfounded statements about
President Trump into its questions in a way that makes them appear as if they
were established fact. It reads like the
sort of propaganda that one gets from a political party. So, sadly, I must assume that the ACLU, once
the defender of freedom for all Americans, has now become the tool of the Left.
Who, then, is left to defend free speech for all? Who then will fight against the suppression
of free speech that is furthered by the Left in the name of “tolerance” but
which is really a demand that only their views be tolerated? This defense, this fight is crucial, for
without this basic tenet of our form of government, without a tolerance for
many diverse views, even those that are not popular with the Left and their
power structure, without our constitutional freedoms our democracy is no more. Now that the ACLU seems to have joined forces
with the Left, those with opposing views must be vigilant, for the Left is more
than eager to deny them the first amendment freedoms to which every citizen in
this country is entitled.
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