The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Friday, January 12, 2018

It’s Time to End the Games

It has been almost a year since President Trump was sworn in, yet the Democrats continue to focus their energies against him instead of for the American people.

Let’s consider the most recent example.   The President shows both leadership and willingness to arrive at a bipartisan agreement on immigration issues:  some sort of permanent status for the dreamers of DACA while ending chain migration and building a wall or its equivalent form of southern border security.  That is, a compromise that is good for America and its people, where all sides get something of what they want while giving up something else to the other side. 

The problem for the Democrats is that such a bipartisan agreement could make the President look good.  So, after an initial meeting they must find a way to get out of this while at the same time making it somehow the President’s fault. 

So, we have the allegations that the President used a vulgar term to refer to Haiti and other nations.  This is from Democrat Senator Durbin.  We have the President’s denial while at the same time noting that he did use tough language in referring to those countries as well as to the immigration proposals.  Which story is all over the news? – the Democrat allegation.  That allegation is now the de facto truth for most people.  (Of course, even if it were true, this president is not the first to use vulgar language in the White House when referring to other countries as well as various other issues; we simply need to look at statements made by Nixon, Johnson, Bill Clinton to name but a few)  But, should the allegation of use of an off color term not be enough, Durbin now complains about the President’s use of the term “chain migration” as offensive to African-Americans and as proof of the President’s alleged racism (no matter that this is a term used by both Democrats and Republicans for years to refer to the fact that the families of one immigrant are often allowed to follow that immigrant into the country).

So, now the Democrats have an out.  They can refuse to work with the President on any bipartisan solution to the current immigration problems claiming his goals and hence the bipartisan proposals are simply racist.  And, I suspect that if any resolution for DACA or other immigration issues fails the Democrats (and the main stream media) will blame it on the President. 

The Democrats may find this sort of gamesmanship entertaining; they may see this situation along with the more general politics of the country as little more than a contest for them to win.  They certainly are not thinking of the country, or of the American people, or of the DACA people whom they pretend to support.

It is really long past time for the Democrats to give up their crusade to bring down the presidency of Donald Trump.   It is long past time for them to put their words into action and work for the good of the country and not simply for their own self-satisfying victories.  And, I hope that the time is here when the American people will see through these Democrat games and demand that they work not for themselves but for the country and the people whom they were elected to represent.

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