The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Politicization of Truth

We seem to be living in an era where one’s ideology determines what one’s Truth is.  How else can you explain the assault on the medical report issued by the doctor who examined President Trump, as well as, it should be noted, President’s Obama and Bush?  Because some so want to believe that the President is not fit for office, either physically or mentally, because that truth does not fit their reality, we have them questioning the physician as well as making their own pronouncements of the President’s ill health despite the report and despite the fact that, unlike the report’s author, they have conducted no examination whatsoever of the President.
Similarly, how can one explain that while Sen. Durbin is the only one who claims to have heard the President utter the word S***hole during a meeting, and despite the fact that at least 4 others present assert that the word was not uttered, those whose agenda the remark supports, including the main stream media, continue to take the word’s utterance as a proven fact. 

Let’s consider some examples of ideology rather than truth controlling our political narrative since Mr. Trump became President Trump.  The Democrats, as well as some Republicans and others were so stunned they could not accept the election results.  Thus began a multitude of attempts to unseat President Trump from office.  Hence, despite no evidence in over a year’s time, we are still hearing about collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign as if it were truth. The digging for evidence goes on and far outside any fields with any relevance to such collusion yet the Democrats hang on, because collusion supports their ideological goals.  But, when that story failed to unseat the President, those who were and are determined to do so had to look for other “truths” that would lead to their desired result.  We have had the stories about the President’s mental health – now disproven by an examination by a competent doctor.  Nonetheless, the belief that he is mentally ill remains a truth for may whose ideology it suits.  (I hate to tell these people, but just because someone behaves in a way they don’t like, or holds views and values different from theirs, or supports policies contrary to their own, does not make someone mentally ill).  We also have the allegations that the President is a sexual predator or the story that the President is a racist.  I have yet to see any concrete proof of either.  The President, unlike some of his opponents, does not single out individuals based on their race, but tries to treat all Americans equally.  Nonetheless, those whose ideology is served by having a racist president, will see their view as “truth.”

Let’s consider how asserting that President Trump is racist serves the current Democrat ideology.  The Democrats assert their concern for Dreamers (I’m not sure they really are concerned, but appearing so is part of their political and campaign strategy).  If a deal were reached that gave some sort of permanent status to Dreamers, but also compromised in a way to give some of the other immigration demands of Trump and Republicans, Trump might actually get some good press from the Democrat’s base.  They don’t want that.  So, instead they can push Durbin’s story, say they can’t work with the President because he is a racist, and either leave the DACA situation unresolved (and blame Trump) or demand that to prove he is not racist he must sign a non-compromise bill that only gives the Democrats their demands on this issue.  This is just part of their political strategy.  And in my opinion, it is sick if not un-American.

Let’s just assume for a minute that the President did refer to Haiti as a S***hole country.  So what?  That, my friends, is not a racist statement.  And, following that statement with the comment that we should let in more Asians and people from Norway also does not support a charge of racism.  What it does support is the idea that we should look to what those seeking immigration have to bring to our country.  Maybe that idea could have been stated more eloquently, but there has never been an argument that Trump is an eloquent speaker.    Again, failure to be eloquent is not proof of racism, or mental illness, or Russian collusion, or sexual predation, or any other of the many narratives that the Democrats try to put forth as a reason to end the Trump presidency.

We now have some legislators, lead by Rep. Lewis, announcing their boycott of the State of the Union address because the president is racist.  As noted above, that is their truth, based not on fact, but on their ideology and what they simply wish were true.  In their minds it justifies their refusal to work with the president, but in the end it is simply disrespectful of the Office and of our democratic Institutions and system of government.  It is not helpful to the country or to the American people whom these legislators were elected to represent.  Instead, it is a betrayal of their constituents as they place their ideology and their lies created to support it above the good of this Country.

What I would like to see is the Democrats, along with the main stream media, be fair and honest with themselves and with the country.  Admit that while they don’t agree with Trump’s policies, that he is the duly elected president deserving of bipartisan support.  Acknowledge the many good things that are the result of the Presidents actions, most notably a more thriving economy including lowest unemployment in years for minorities, successes against ISIS and in other international issues, an end to the office of the president being a supporter of identity politics, to name a few.  I would like the Democrats to understand that being the loyal opposition does not mean fomenting hatred toward the president, but means supporting him in his efforts to do right for America, while opposing those policies with which they don’t agree.  It does not mean constant ad hominem attacks against a man whom they personally may not like.

In Communist societies, ideology regularly overcomes truth.  People are imprisoned or worse for not holding the Party’s ideology – its Truth.  That is not our tradition or our history in America, even though many Democrats would make it so.

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