The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thoughts on he First Democrat "Debate"

After getting over the jokes and laughs at the ridiculous show that was the first Democrat debate, I realized I was actually horrified that one of these people could really become the head of our great country. 

The first question is:   How could that happen?  The answer is “sadly, too easily.”   We have a very ill informed electorate, partly because many people themselves make little effort to be informed, partly because our education system has failed to teach many about our system of government and the need of the electorate to be informed, and partly because the media no longer takes seriously its job to inform the electorate and rather chooses to be a propaganda arm for its chosen political views.   

In any event, as Thomas Jefferson told us:  A well-informed citizenry is the cornerstone and at the heart of a democracy and is the best defense against tyranny.   Based on this, our democracy is currently in grave danger!

The next question is: if anyone of these candidates were elected, what sort of a leader would they be?  From the “debate” we saw that each candidate went out of his or her way to claim their victim points:  African American, Hispanic, woman, veteran, poor upbringing, (even upbringing by conservative parents as a negative!), etc., etc.   We learned that they like to place people into identity groups and pander to groups that they believe will respond to that pandering with votes.  

We also learned that they are unable to acknowledge that for the first time in many years our economy is good and growing, unemployment, especially for minorities, is at all time lows; instead, they insist on telling us that the economy is bad. (They need it to be bad so they will have victims to which to pander and make promises) Similarly, they find fault with most everything that is currently going well for our country and at the same time choose to blame the President and Republicans for anything that is not perfect.

These two things alone show us that these candidates are not interested in uniting the country.  They will continue to tear us apart with identity politics and victimhood.  In furtherance of maintaining such underclasses dependent upon them and their power they will reverse anything positive for the people of this country that gets in the way.  And, they will continue to create hatred between identity groups.

Indeed, they are not interested in maintaining an identifiable country as evidenced by their stands for open borders.  They would rather play some blame game about the illegal immigration crisis, using that blame to gain points for their power, rather than deal with actual facts.  Thus, a man who chose to take his daughter across the Rio Grande in order to enter this country illegally, and who with his daughter perished, is not responsible; rather, it is the fault of the President and republicans (none of whom told him to cross a dangerous river to enter the country illegally).   Individual responsibility is not relevant when you can use an individual act to stir up hatred for a group you dislike.

There is, in these Democrats' view, no personal responsibility for that father’s decision – why should he wait for a slower legal process when he can put his daughter in danger and they can use the horrid result to cast blame for a crisis that they themselves are at least in part responsible for creating?  Not, in my opinion, the sort of approach I want to see in the leader of my country.

These candidates are also not interested in the assimilation of immigrants into our society as evidenced in part by their choice of using a language that is not the language of this country.  Pandering!  And, I’m wondering how immigrants from countries other than those speaking the foreign language answers prepared by the candidates felt about their exclusion.  I feel insulted that as a voting citizen these candidates chose to speak Spanish, to pander to some other audience just to score points.  

We learned that the law does not really matter to these candidates, or only matters when it furthers their agenda.  History is in many cases a mystery to them, as are a complete understanding of relevant facts on an issue.

During its founding, America came together under the slogan “united we stand, divided we fall.”  Yet, the main modus operandi of these Democrats seems to be to divide us in order to obtain and retain their own power.  Their currency is hate.  And, the frightening thing is that there are those who accept their ploys and pandering and even take them seriously. 

So, humorous as the “Democrats Have (no) Talent” show was last night, it should be a wake up call to everyone in this country about the direction we are headed if we continue to tolerate the beliefs and antics of these people.  Unless the electorate realizes the importance of  being informed, and then truly and fully inform themselves, it is not outside the realm of possibility for anyone to be elected, no matter how threatening they are to our country and its core principles

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