The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

We’ve Seen This Scam Before – Don’t Be Fooled – It’s Just A Weapon in The Ongoing Coup Attempt

Today we learned that Adam Schiff had advance knowledge of the whistle blower’s potential allegations.
Haven’t we seen this story before? 

You will recall that Diane Feinstein and other Democrats had advance knowledge of Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Justice Kavanaugh and she, along with other Democrats, helped her to prepare her presentation, find lawyers, etc.

Now we learn that Adam Schiff, the Democrat who will be in charge of the impeachment investigation based on the complaint of a whistleblower, had advance contact with and knowledge of the whistleblower’s possible allegations.  We can reasonably assume that Schiff gave the same sort of “assistance” to the whistleblower that the Democrats gave to Ford.

These two cases are frighteningly similar.  A few days ago the mainstream media was upset that President Trump re-tweeted the comment that impeachment would result in a coup.  At that time I noted that we were already in the middle of a bloodless coup. That fact, if it wasn’t clear then, just gets clearer every day.

Coup, short for coup d’etat, literally means stroke (death) of state.  It has come to refer to the overthrow of an existing government, an illegal and unconstitutional seizure of power.  While coups are usually quite violent, they can be carried out in other ways.  And it is a coup that the Democrats are pursuing.

Let’s just look at their impeachment push.  They have a complaint from a whistleblower that we now know they consulted with before the whistleblower actually came forward with any complaint.  They are basing their impeachment push on the fact that the President had a phone call with the leader of another foreign country, the Ukraine, in which he asked that leader to investigate both that country’s involvement in any interference in the 2016 election and the known fact that the son of the former vice president received certain favors from Ukraine while his father was in office and made some questionable demands upon Ukraine and its leaders.  The Ukrainian President has said that he was not coerced or compelled to do anything by President Trump.  There is no evidence of any demand or quid pro quo in the transcript of their phone conversation.  The whistleblower says that second hand sources told him there was some sort of demand or quid pro quo.  The evidence simply does not support the whistleblower’s claims.

That’s it.  Not unlike the claims that Ms. Ford made against Justice Kavanaugh.  After meeting with Democrats she came forward with allegations that initially sounded damning.  But once the evidence was revealed – evidence that the Democrats did not expect to be presented – her story fell apart.

And, here we have the allegations of a whistleblower that initially may sound damning, but then, the President released the transcript of the actual call – an act that the Democrats surely did not expect – and the whistleblower’s complaint does not match the facts.

But facts don’t matter when you are waging a coup.  The goal is not to find truth or to stand for and protect our country.  The goal is to destroy this country or at least its form of government.  That is perhaps why Rep. Schiff felt empowered to read into the record in a serious committee hearing, a “transcript” of the phone call that included statements by Trump that were not there and which Schiff knowingly made up.

Everything that the Democrats have done since the election results of 2016 has been an attack on our form of government.  First and foremost, they have sought and continue to seek to overturn the will of the people.  That alone is an attack on our form of government - it is the people who vote for and choose our president and their voice and their vote should be protected, even when you do not like the result.

Beyond their attack on the people, the Democrats are attacking our government.  The President is under constant attack from his enemies – not a political disagreement about policy, but a full out attack.  Every action he takes is assaulted from every direction possible – filing of innumerable and at times frivolous lawsuits to stop or at least stall legitimate presidential directives; media that rather than objectively report facts serves as simply an opinionated mouthpiece for the President’s enemies; demeaning and attacking the character of the President’s supporters in a continued effort to silence them. 

Beyond the President and his office, the Democrats attack the other departments and personnel of the Executive Branch of government.  They are currently threatening to take action against the State Department and Department of Justice if they investigate questionable and possibly unconstitutional actions of the prior administration or that might implicate Democrats.  That is, they want to silence any possible investigation that might reveal their illegal and coup-directed actions.

The Democrats also fail to respect and support the judicial branch of our government when they threaten to impeach judges and justices whenever they render an opinion that the Democrats do not like and when the Democrats threaten to pack or otherwise change the makeup of the Supreme Court if it does not render decisions that the Democrats find acceptable.

In addition to direct attacks on the President and his supporters (i. e. the people),  the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch of our government, the Democrats are more than willing to ignore constitutional and legal requirements when it serves their purposes.  Hence they persist in silencing speech, denying due process, ignoring presumptions of innocence, selectively enforcing laws, etc. 

We could go on and on.  But the point is that we have clear evidence that the Democrats are not only attacking President Trump himself but are attacking the office of the President along with the Executive and Judicial branches of our government.  Our form of government requires the three but equal branches along with the concept that the government is of/for/by the people.  The Democrats’ attacks on two of the three branches along with their attempts to overthrow the will of the people are nothing more than an attempt to overthrow an existing system of government and to unconstitutionally seize power – that is, the Democrats’ actions are the very definition of an attempted coup d’etat.

The current impeachment probe is nothing more than a well-staged battle in their attempted coup.  A coup requires support, and the Democrats along with their media spokespeople will use the whistleblower allegations along with the many claims that Democrats will create as growing out of those allegations to try to gain support for their impeachment push which they envision as providing support (perhaps unwitting) for their overthrow of our form of government.

There has been no impeachable offense committed by the President unless an impeachable offense is now defined to mean anything that the opposing party says it is.  Anything.  Just a way to overturn the will of the people and accomplish a coup.

The Democrats have a president whose style many do not like.  The Democrats use his style to fault the many accomplishments that it has achieved.  And they will try to convince the American people that an unlikable style is somehow an impeachable offense that will allow them to overturn the will of the people.  Yes, they are using the people to destroy the voices of those very same people.

At this point it doesn’t matter if you like President Trump or not.  It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with his policies.  What matters is that there is a coup in process and if the people do not stand up for the Office of the President of the United States of America, if they do not stand up for our Constitutional form of government, if they do not stand up for our Constitution itself and our Laws and the rights of the People, then they will have no right to complain when the will of the people is no longer a voice in our government.   Because if the Democrats succeed they will have destroyed our form of government which gives voice to and listens to the people; they will have stolen our voices and our power and instead will speak and make our decisions for us. 

If the Democrats succeed in their coup attempt, they will have replaced our form of government with one in which a select few who think they know better than we the people will have overpowered, usurped, and stolen the will of the people.  That is, we will be at the mercy of people like Adam Schiff and other Democrats who are willing to lie, cheat, and destroy lives in order to obtain and maintain ultimate power over all of us.  That sounds too much to me like a dictatorship, and not the Democratic Republic that gives us a voice and the power and the right to make our own decisions and have our own individual voices.  And, for that reason if for no other, every American should stand against the ongoing coup attempt and stand for our American Democratic Republic.

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