The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comments on the End of this Phase of the Impeachment Show

Schiff’s public impeachment hearings have concluded.  I watched the entire show.  I have a few comments, but first, I would refer everyone to Devin Nunes’ closing argument which pretty well summarizes the context of these hearings and what is really going on.  Here is the LINK.  

Now, my comments.  It’s pretty clear that these hearings are changing no one’s opinions about the President.  The Democrats will twist and turn bits and pieces of evidence until they think they have something to justify in their own minds the fact that they are trying to overturn the will of the electorate and remove a president they don’t like from office.

The real problem is that the Democrats’ actions are enabling the belief that if you don’t like the person who wins an election, if they are not whom you voted for, or if you simply don’t agree with their policies, then you can simply remove them from office.  I think the enabling is intentional, for that is exactly what the Democrats seek to do.

Democrats claim that they are defending the Constitution, but in reality their very actions thwart not only the Constitution but essentially all the core principles upon which this country is based.  They are, and have been since 2016, trying to overturn the results of an election – results that they did not like.  They seem not to understand that in America we have elections.  Some people are disappointed with the outcome; they may be upset that the person who won has different priorities or policies than did their candidate.  But, disappointed as we may be, we support the President and the Office, even while voicing our dissent to polices we do not like.  And, we remove a President not by calculated coup, but by voting.

That is America.  Refusal to acknowledge the President as President is not American.  Nancy Pelosi calling the President an “imposter” is not American; it is not the proper exercise of her oath to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States of America.  The untold thousands who refuse to call Donald Trump “President Trump” because they state “he is not my president” do not understand how our democracy works.  Rather than exploiting that lack of understanding, the Democrats should be educating and setting an example of how we respect elections in this country.

The Democrats also disrespect our Constitution and our laws in the manner in which they handle these hearings.  Schiff, we know, is not uncomfortable lying to the American people with a straight face, but the entire Democrat party is behind the unfairness of these hearings.  Key witnesses who have actual facts are not allowed to appear, selective transcripts (mostly only favorable to Democrats) are released, Republican requests for key witnesses are denied, hearings are held in secret, laws and rules are not followed.  Instead, Schiff has set himself up as some sort of king who will run things along, overrunning all semblance of a fair and just hearing, until he reaches his goal which is to destroy the President and with him the will of the electorate.

I also want to comment generally on the witnesses who appeared at the hearings.  What we had was a parade of opinion and feelings and hearsay and individual interpretations of hearsay.  That was the “evidence” presented by the Democrats.  Incomplete testimony has been reported by the Democrat PR department (also known as the mainstream media) that seems to imply the President to be guilty of something, but if complete and full answers of witnesses are examined, one sees that any evidence of guilt is completely lacking.

The witnesses to varying extents all seemed to be upset or hurt because they no longer held the same power that they did before the current administration.  Sad they were re-called; sad their friend was re-called, upset they were no longer included in this or that meeting, upset that they were not listened to as they had been in the past, sad that their opinion about this or that policy was not adopted.   What they don’t seem to understand is that the President, not the career public servant, sets policy.  Again, this is why we have elections – so that the people can express which policy they favor by electing the person who represents that policy.  We are a government of/by/for the people and the way the people express their will is through elections.  We expect those who work for our President to understand that and not to think that we elected them instead.

Finally, the hypocrisy of the Democrats is stunning.  They want to investigate this President for every move he takes; yet they do not want an investigation of anyone else.  They seem to think that the entire Biden family should have some sort of immunity just because Joe Biden is a candidate.  The fact that Ukraine and Burisma may have used his son to seek some leverage when Biden was vice president cannot be investigated; the Republicans cannot call Hunter Biden as a witness, even though every witness said there was possible corruption involving Hunter Biden during the time that Joe Biden was vice president.

The Democrats claim it is their duty to investigate a phone call in which the actual evidence shows nothing untoward happened, but object to the President’s attempt to investigate actual corruption in a country to which we give a wealth of taxpayer dollars.  Whether the President’s concerns about the connection between Ukraine and the 2016 election or the possible Burisma corruption turn out to be accurate or not does not mean that he does not have the right as well as the duty to investigate.  That the Burisma corruption investigation might lead to questionable actions by a vice president who now happens to be a candidate for president does not mean that the investigation cannot or should not occur. Nor does it mean that the request to investigate was for political purposes, especially when every witness said there was at least an appearance of impropriety in the Burisma-Biden connection.  And, there is absolutely no evidence of any kind of quid pro quo or bribery or extortion on the part of the President.

The Democrats claim that the President was trying to influence an election.  It is they who are actually trying to influence two elections.  First, they are trying to overturn the legitimate results of the 2016 election, something they have been trying to do since before President Trump was sworn in.  Second, they are trying to influence the 2020 election with this ridiculous impeachment show.  Indeed, several Democrats have asserted that “If we don’t impeach the President he will be re-elected.” 

This impeachment show is nothing more than a political campaign strategy by a party that has nothing else to campaign on.  The current President’s policies and actions are helping ALL the people of this country and improving our status in the world while in many ways making it a safer place.  His style is not soft but often abrasive and that seems to be all that the Democrats can attack.  And so they do.  They make up stories and try to convince the American people that our vote was a mistake and we should defer to the Democrats who claim to have superior knowledge and intelligence than do we (they make their perceived inferiority of those who voted for or who plan to vote for President Trump clear by the names that they call us).   The Democrats seem to think that because they are better than we are, that we should therefore simply allow them to overturn our will and our vote, allow them to remove a duly elected President from office based on rumor, innuendo, and hurt feelings, and place themselves in power – they, the people who have no policy to run on, who rather than do the work of the American people have frittered away hours and dollars on ridiculous investigations and hearings.

The thing I find most amazing is that so many are allowing this to happen, to move forward.  That so many are allowing their voice to be stolen.  That may be the most frightening revelation of this whole process.  And, if President Trump is not reelected then I truly fear we will be facing the end of all that has made this country the shining star of the world for over 200 years.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Impeachment Show

So, tomorrow the Impeachment Show begins – live TV entertainment.  You may watch if you like that sort of thing – a crusade based on hatred of an individual, not unlike the bullying by the “in-crowd” against a successful outsider. This is a not so good sequel to the Russian Collusion show.  If you don’t realize that this is all just part of the ongoing coup/now revolution jihad then you have not been paying attention.

Yes, it is really that ridiculous, and if it weren’t so frightening for the survival of America and all for which it stands, then it would simply be a rather poor comedy.   But it is not.  Last month I wrote about how we were no longer in a coup, but now a revolution (LINK).  My final words (before quoting “Revolution) in that post were

America is under attack.  What was an angry outburst against election results has moved from a childish outburst to a coup and now a revolution - a full out challenge to the established political order, government, culture, and their related associations and structures.   This matters.  This is a challenge to every American.  And every American who is involved in this revolution needs to be very clear on what they are doing while those of us not involved need to do everything we can to educate those warriors and defend our country from their attack.

The revolution is going full force ahead.  The frightening results that we face as both individuals and as a nation are made woefully clear in an excellent piece by historian and scholar Victor David Hanson; LINK  .  His final lines in this essay read, “One side will say, “”Just give us more power and we will create heaven on earth.”” The other says ““Why would anyone wish to take their road to an Orwellian nightmare?”” The 2020 election is that simple.”

Why, you may ask, am I quoting something about the 2020 election when this post’s title and beginning are focused on impeachment?  The answer is very simple:  the Impeachment Show is nothing more than a Democrat campaign strategy to keep Donald Trump from being re-elected.  Anyone who examines the alleged evidence realizes there is just nothing there – nothing other than innuendo and gossip and perhaps some actual disagreement about policy.  But nothing impeachable.  Let me repeat that: NOTHING.  Just as there was nothing there in the Russian collusion show; nothing there in the Kavanaugh #metoo show, nothing there is the daily diatribes against the President.  NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING.

The Impeachment Show is a campaign strategy and part of the overarching campaign to remove the president from office (the original coup attempt) and now the broader campaign to completely remake this country (the ongoing revolution).  As a campaign strategy it allows the Democrats to justify not doing what the people sent them to Washington to do (things like pass laws that benefit the people and the country, debate important issues, etc.).  They are too busy with impeachment to do anything else, and so they justify a failure to serve the people who elected them.  And, by their doing nothing, the President’s agenda becomes stalled, so they can argue that he did not accomplish what he should.  Further, it allows Democrats to throw all sorts of dirt at the President and the Republican party – the sort that you see and usually object to in the ugliest campaign ads – claiming that they must release this hearsay and innuendo as part of an open impeachment.

Of course, you must realize that this is anything but an open and fair process.  The key witnesses are avowed anti-Trumpers who consult with Democrats before coming forward.  Adam Schiff (who salivates every time he even thinks about removing Trump from office) has been running and continues to run a Star Chamber sort of process.

For those not familiar with Star Chamber, it was a court process that existed in England from the 15th to mid-17th centuries.  While it was originally created to fairly enforce laws against socially and politically prominent and powerful people whom ordinary courts were reluctant to convict, it became synonymous with social and political oppression through the abuse of the power it wielded.  Its proceedings were secretive and its judgments arbitrary.  It became an instrument of oppression rather than justice.

One can see why Schiff’s impeachment show is often linked to Star Chamber.  He is using what in the past has been generally a fair process and corrupting it to his purposes of removing the President from office, or failing that objective, of destroying his chances for re-election.  This is in effect both social and political oppression as it attempts to remove a duly seated president and overturn the will of the people with absolutely no valid legal basis for doing so. 

Until tomorrow the hearing has been in secret with even Republicans (and through them the people they represent) denied access.  Questions by Republicans have been disallowed.  Schiff met with the “whistleblower” before he became a whistleblower, and both are avid anti-Trumpers.  Schiff determines what witnesses can be called and which can be cross-examined.  He suggests written questions to the whistleblower instead of live testimony.  Yet it is a basic principle of American justice that one is allowed to face his accuser.  No one knows what went on in Schiff’s secret hearings – what Schiff may have said or how he may have coached witnesses.  His selectively leaked information must be viewed as tainting any future testimony and his ability to selectively allow or prevent witnesses and testimony makes the who process more of a show trial than an actual quest for justice.

The list goes on; you need only consult the daily outpouring of information.  The problem is, however, that the mainstream media fails to report much of what is happening if it even sounds, let alone is, averse to the Democrats’ position.  This is not surprising since they also fail to report the many positive accomplishments of the President for our country, or, when they do, they couch them within something portrayed as negative.

Those who hate the President will simply accept without question the narrative of the Democrats.  Yet, anyone who gives it the slightest thought will see how weak and contrived this impeachment claim is.  First, we don’t just give away taxpayer money to other countries without expecting something in return.  Any taxpayer who thinks we do should be screaming in objection. There is always some sort of exchange (“quid pro quo”) and hence that alone is certainly not an impeachable offense.

Second, the country has a valid interest in learning about foreign interference in our elections, and the President’s request that Ukraine investigate that was valid.  Similarly, if a sitting Vice President used his influence to benefit himself or a family member financially or to demand the firing of someone within a foreign country who was investigating his son, the country has a right to know about that and the President was within his right and it was his duty to ask the Ukraine to investigate. 

Third, if a sitting Vice President might now become a candidate for President, that does not negate the justification of investigating questionable acts made during his Vice-presidency. 

Fourth, there is absolutely no evidence of direct request for “quid-pro-quo” of aid for investigation, and certainly not simply for political reasons.  Indeed, not only the transcript reveals no quid pro quo, but also some very credible witnesses have clearly asserted there was no quid pro quo.

The bottom line is clear.  There is absolutely no evidence (unless you consider someone’s addition of their own narrative to actual concrete fact to be “evidence”) that the President asked for an investigation of his possible opponent in return for our foreign aid.   It just didn’t happen. 

What is happening is a group of people, led by Schiff, want to unseat a sitting president that they think the people should not have elected.  This has been their goal since 2016.  And the Impeachment Show is just their latest episode in their on-going drama.  Watch it for entertainment if you wish; but, understand that the underlying concept is based on hatred and malice the intent of which is to overthrow that which we know as America.  The Impeachment Show may look like a comedy, but if it is allowed to reach its sought-after conclusion, we will see that it was really both a horror show and a tragedy.