The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

We’re All in This Together – Except When We’re Not

COVID-19 is a virus that threatens every person in this country and potentially every person in the world.  While not a visible army, we can very much consider ourselves under attack and the leaders of every country are under an obligation to do the best they can to protect their people.

I happen to think that our President is doing a fantastic job.  He has assembled a team of experts to advise him, led by the very competent Vice President.  President Trump has coordinated and brought together the resources that are available to him, has brought private industry and their innovation and resources into the mix, he has gotten our Congress to begin to work bipartisanly for the good of the people instead of themselves.  The President has acted decisively and quickly and in so doing has likely lessened at least somewhat the spread and effects of the epidemic in this country.  He continues to act as he daily consults with his experts and the new information that they daily gain about the virus.

The President is working for the people of the country.  Many of those people are also working selflessly for their fellow Americans.  And those that are not a part of critical services, those that have been asked to social distance and not go out for non-essential reasons can and should also do their part for America against this invisible enemy.  Many are; sadly, some are not.

This virus can be asymptomatic – a person can have the virus and be able to infect others without feeling any symptoms themselves.  We should all consider ourselves carriers, and the best way to lessen the spread of the virus is for us all, then, to avoid going out in public where we, or our touch on tables, door handles, etc., can possibly spread the virus to others.  To go out, when we do not have to, is to put our fellow Americans at risk.

Yet too many seem to believe that it is about them, not others.  They are not sick, so why not go out.  They think they are healthy and won’t get sick, so why not go out.  There is no concern for the less healthy others who might indeed get sick or die from the virus that they might spread.  The part that most Americans are being asked to play is nothing like the burdens that Americans have suffered together in times of war (ask your parents/grandparents about the second world war!).  We are simply being asked to stay in and away from others as much as possible.  Not a big sacrifice, yet still some are not willing to take it.

For some, it is just a matter of changing their usual social behaviors.  For others – small business people for example, it may be a bigger sacrifice as they close their doors for 2 or 3 weeks, lay off their employees, and lose revenue.  Yes, that is a big deal.  Yet the President and Congress are passing and have passed a series of bills that will in large part alleviate the losses.  This President will forget no one, and we Americans need to trust that he and Congress together will keep us whole.

So, we the people can and should all pull together and each of us do our part for the good of our neighbors and our country.  We need to put self-interest and self-centeredness aside and begin thinking of the many others with whom we are in this together.

But there is another group I would like to address, and that is those who continue to see this as a political goldmine.  First, let me say that I am impressed in the last few days with the bipartisanship that has surfaced in Washington as the Congress and the White House seem to be, for the most part working together.  While realistically I suspect this will not continue once we have won the current war against the virus, I would like to hope that at least  a small part of it will in some way remain and evolve into something both positive and permanent.

But then there are others.  At a time when we need to be working together, I read about a Democrat PAC that plans to spend five million on ads attacking President Trump’s handling of the epidemic even as we are in the middle of the crisis.   When people are already balking or not understanding the need to follow the CDC/White House guidelines which are clearly necessary to attack and slow this virus, why would a group choose to try to make people question the President’s actions that include issuing those guidelines?

This most recent PAC is not alone in its actions.  There are other PACs taking similar actions.  Biden and Sanders have not held back in their attacks on how the President is handling the crisis. And of course the Press, even at the daily White House press briefings, latches onto and furthers these attacks.

There will be plenty of time to attack the President and his actions once this crisis is over.  It will be over a lot sooner if we let the President and his experts continue their thus far effective strategies rather than trying to convince the American people that he is incompetent or doesn’t care about this or them, or whatever lies they are trying to spread.

On NPR this morning they were focusing on problems with testing from weeks ago and letting people complain about the incompetence of the system as if it were today.  To be clear, doctors and experts have emphatically stated that problems with testing at the beginning were not the fault of Trump or the CDC, but of a system in place that did not work for this sort of epidemic.  Since then, the President has revamped the system and partnered with private industry to create quicker and faster tests and make them available to all who need them.  Let’s applaud that rather than whine about a problem that has already been handled.

And, as to those tests, not every single American needs one and if every American demands the certainty of knowing they do/do not have the virus they will only clog the system.  People who need tests can get them.  Let the system work.

The Press often attacks because they get information today that was not given yesterday or perhaps conflicts with earlier information.  Well, the information that we have about the virus is evolving hourly as the experts have more data to analyze and more cases to review.  Trump’s team is doing this, informing him, and hence he has new and sometimes different information to provide.  This is not a bad thing.

But then, if you are Donald Trump, too often in the eyes of the Press you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.  For example, he was criticized for his early decisive action to stop incoming flights from China.  There is no dispute that this early decisive action greatly reduced the threat in our country.  When he could no longer be criticized for closing the borders, he was then criticized for not doing it soon enough.  Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.  And certainly not helpful in a time of crisis.

Then there are the repeated attacks because the President (and others) call this the Chinese Virus.  Hey, it came from China.  If it came from America it would be an American virus.  Those are facts.  Calling the virus Chinese is not racist, even if there were no other reason for doing so.  But, besides it being a factual statement, it counters a propaganda campaign waged by China that it was American soldiers who brought the virus to China.  It emphasizes the falsity of that Chinese propaganda.  That is not racist and attempts to make it so are simply attempts to divide the country when we should be trying to bring everyone together with the common goal of defeating this viral enemy.

When a country is under attack, when it is at war, it is a time for the people to pull together for the common good and the good of their country.  They become less self-centered and more concerned with the greater good.  Most Americans are doing this now.  But there are those who are not in this together with the rest of us, who simply see this crisis as an opportunity to further their own selfish interests.  While I hope the American people can and will recognize this, that task becomes harder when one of those who is not pulling together but instead participates in the sowing of seeds of dissention is the Press.  We get our information from the Press and its ability to objectively approach and report news is crucial to our ability to understand a crisis and each do our part to help resolve it.

There are those who have been trying to pull this country apart for several years now.  Their continuing such actions in a time of crisis should prove to all that they do not care about our country or any of us, its people, but instead only care about their own agendas and their own power.  They can only hurt us.

But, to the many Americans who do believe that we are all in this together, who are doing their part in our war against the Coronavirus, I applaud you for your sacrifices, be they great or small.  Thank you for understanding the war we are in, for listening to our leaders and experts, for following the guidelines, even as they evolve, and for protecting not only yourself but your neighbors as well.  If we all pull together we will beat this thing sooner rather than later, so let’s just ignore those disrupters who are not in this with us.

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