The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Year of the Ox

Isn’t it appropriate that on the first day of the Lunar Year of the Ox, a year that brings us hard work and most importantly honesty, the lies and hoaxes of the Democrats are being exposed? 

The year of the Metal Ox, following the tumultuous and rambunctious year that is the mark of the Metal Rat, follows up on what the Rat hath wrought.  We now have a lunar year of yin – a calmness unlike the energy of the Rat’s yang.   The likeliness of upheaval and catastrophic events, often characteristics of a Metal Rat year, are far less likely in an Ox year.  The year of the Ox is a time to be thoughtful and to work out what the Rat hath wrought.

The year of the Ox represents hard work, positivity, and honesty.  It rewards hard work and effort, especially by those not demanding attention.  It rewards reliability and honesty.  It is the year when one works to finish or solve the things that were begun in the Year of the Rat.  The Ox year has the ability to transform negative challenges of the Rat that preceded it.

In the Year of the Ox, persuasion via pathos has little effectiveness.  Rather, logical and analytical thinking take a prime position.  Along with this, honesty comes to the forefront and is rewarded.

And so, it is appropriate that today in the Senate the impeachment trial turns to an exposing of the many lies put forth from the Democrats, not only in the previous days of this impeachment, but throughout the past 4 years. 

Today the Defense lawyers are playing full videos or other recordings of presentations that were previously edited and hence distorted by the Democrats in order to paint a false picture of Trump’s words and actions.  Not just the videos of Jan 6, but of things as old as the distortive editing of Trump’s words following Charlottesville – a distortive lie that has been repeated by Democrats since 2017.

The Defense is showing the words and actions of Democrats that are at least as, if not more, “inciteful” than those that the Democrats claim justify impeachment.  The Defense is proving the Democrat hypocrisy by proving that a large number of Democrats are guilty of what they accuse the former president of.

Today may be the first time that many networks have actually played (and hence that many people have actually seen) the full recordings that have previously been shown in their manipulated state.  The lies are all together being presented today, on the first day of this year in which honesty is honored. 

Of course, I doubt that the Democrats who have spent the last four years in hypocrisy and lying will have any inclination to honor, let alone actually be honest- with themselves or the American people. 

Nonetheless, I can hope that this Lunar Year of the Ox has some actual effect on the people who will perhaps turn to logical thought.  I can hope they will no longer rush to judgment based on pathos and emotion.  And, I can hope that in the process they will begin to reward honesty and no longer tolerate the duplicity and dishonesty that has become the trademark of the Democrats.

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