The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Dear Anti-Trumpers, Give Up the Mob Mentality and Think!

Dear Anti-Trumpers and others participating in the current mob-mentality opposing President Trump:
            Let’s say that you succeed in your goal of taking down the Trump administration, or removing Trump from office, or, more broadly, in completely remaking our American form of government.  Have you thought about where that leaves you?
            If you are hoping to return to Obama’s government, just stop for a minute and think whether it in every way was so different from the current administration.  Look at immigration and deportation.  Obama deported enormous numbers and Trump’s ICE is simply continuing his actions. 
Perhaps you did not notice, because the narrative that you have chosen to believe is that Obama is good, Trump is bad and, therefore, Obama does only good things, Trump does only bad.  The same actions by the two men or their administrations are ignored or seen as good on the one hand but highly noticed and seen as bad on the other. 
The Russiagate that doesn’t exist is another example.  Obama, Democratic Congress-people, members of Obama’s administration all met with Russian ambassadors and others – you ignored that.  Trump and his people do the same and it has suddenly become an offense requiring removal from office.    You manufacture innuendo about Trump connections with Russia during the campaign, but you ignore such things as donations from Russia to the Clinton Foundation which Hillary attempted to hide.  You want the Attorney General removed because while a senator he did what many other both Republican and Democrat senators did – met with the Russian ambassador (as well as ambassadors from many foreign countries). 
The Democratic senators calling for Mr. Sessions head conveniently forgot they had met the ambassador as they asserted they would never have done such a thing.  But, there are records out there that have proven their lies and their hypocrisy.  (That’s the problem when one starts taking a holier than thou stance – in the end we find out that the same imperfections exist in the attacker as in the attacked). 
Where was the call for the removal of Obama’s attorney general when she secretly met with Bill Clinton in regard to the probe of Clinton’s private email server and her improper handling of classified information?  More hypocrisy as you blindly ignore any possible wrong doing simply because you have determined that Obama and anything or anyone connected to him is all good.   
The problem is, the world, people, life is not simply good or bad (I was going to say black or white, but in this day and age, that phrase would probably be designated as some sort of racist remark).  So, not pure good or evil, but generally a mix.  And that is why it makes no sense for you to attempt to destroy one man’s administration because you have somehow been convinced that the man is evil.
            And, if you are hoping that by removing Trump you will get the “perfection” of Obama, understand that you will get much of what you are trying to eliminate.  You will get meetings with Russian ambassadors, you will get deportations, you will get regulations that you do not like.  You will not get the perfection that you seek.  You will also get a much bigger government. 
Think about this:  Do you really want the all-powerful federal government that you are seeking?  Do you want the government to make all your decisions for you, do you want to relinquish your independence and individuality to big brother?  Do you want to relinquish your free speech to rules of political correctness and prohibitions of “micro aggressions”?  Do you want regulations that are duplicative and triplicative to the extent that they squelch business growth, job creation and innovation, and result in higher government costs meaning higher taxes for you?  Do you want entitlement programs that become the norm, a necessary part of people’s lives, rather than an exception and a hand up that help people to stand on their own and become the fullest human being they can be?  Do you understand that those programs are paid for by you and your friends and neighbors as taxes become higher and higher? Do you want education that is so controlled by a federal government that there is no real freedom of thought in the classrooms? 
If these are the things that you want, well then go for it.  Continue your subversive attempt to destroy the Trump administration and with it our democracy.  Continue to practice your hypocrisy. But, if you can think for yourself, then please take time to do so and consider where your actions are taking you.  Do not let the heat of the moment, the hatred of a man, the biased reporting, the words of people who have lost their power and believe they are entitled to have it back in any way possible, do not let these things guide you, but rather be guided by your own thought and understanding of all the facts and all the consequences of the immediate actions that you take.

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