The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Democrats Seeking their own Utopia, Using Soft Coup to Get There

Do the supporters of the Democrats understand what they are really supporting?  Right now it is a witch hunt.  

Democrats do not like Trump.  They do not like him because he won the election.  They do not like him because he acknowledged the many people whom, despite its proclamations to the contrary, the Democrat party had forgotten in its march toward its true goal of big government.  They do not like Trump because he wants to turn back the federal government overreach that raged out of control for the last eight years.   

The Trump administration is upsetting the march towards a utopia envisioned by the Progressive Democrat power structure, a utopia in which they and the big government they create control every aspect of the lives of the citizens of this country, a utopia in which the citizenry turns over responsibility for their lives, their speech, their decisions to the big government.  And, because they envision themselves as the leaders of that government, they will be the ones making those decisions – the decisions that they, not the people, determine to be best.  That’s the problem with utopias: they create a perfect place where government, laws, social conditions are all perfect, but that perfection is defined by those who create the utopia.  That is, there is no room for those who disagree with the definitions.  There is a reason why Utopia is an imaginary place.  And, the utopia envisioned by the Progressive Democrats is not America, at least not the America that we know and that has existed for over 200 years with is freedom for diverse views and individuality.  Their utopia is nothing more than a dictatorship. 

Had the Democrats won the presidential election they could (and would) have continued their steady march toward this utopia that they envision.  But, the people, in their wisdom, voted to stop that march and instead strengthen the America that we know and which provides both freedom and responsibility to the people.  So, the Democrats, rather than accept defeat and work with the administration chosen by the people, instead wage a clandestine war not only on the administration, but on the very nature of our democracy.  They will pick and dig to find any word or act that they can (using omission, fabrication, etc. along with illegal leaks and the help of many very biased media) to attack every idea, every policy, and every person associated with the administration.  They pretend to be shocked when a Republican says or does something that Democrats have said or done themselves many times.  They repeat allegations, then assert, without actual proof, that their allegations are fact requiring action against the administration. They have now grasped onto some idea of a Russian conspiracy and their witch hunt for Republican conspirators sounds and looks very much like the McCarthyism of the 1950s. They delay and distract in an effort to completely cripple the administration, and in so doing, they cripple the country (not that they really care about that – their goal is to create their utopia).

What is going on is nothing more than a coup by people who do not like this country, who do not accept that the people are the actual governing body ("government of, for, by the people").  This is a coup by people who believe that they can do it better than the general public and that in order to put themselves in the places of power to do so it is perfectly OK to commit illegal activities, to lie, to attack, to foment hatred, to silence alternative and opposing views.  These are people who must truly hate America and have no qualms about destroying it and all its institutions in order to create whatever it is that they envision.

What I don’t understand is how and why so many people are willing to follow this selfish and destructive leadership.  I do understand that those trying to bring down the government are quite clever and they have the help of some very powerful politicians, donors, and media.  They are very skilled at manipulation and propaganda.  But, I am truly sickened that so many people do not see what is going on.  The leaders are perfectly clear about what they are doing.  The sad thing is that many follow along, not realizing that they are participating in a covert effort to destroy America.  Rather than just accepting the narrative of the Democrat leaders, it is time for people to think for themselves (this includes politicians, reporters, and every individual citizen).  It is time for people to stand up and say “STOP,” to demand that the Democrats begin working for the people instead of for themselves.  It is time to think before just parroting the day’s propaganda, time for supporters to ask whether they really want the utopia that their leaders would create and that they are supporting, even if unknowingly.  It really is time to wake up, not to stand by and allow those desperate for their own power to undermine our freedoms and our country in order to take away the people’s power and use it for their own.

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