The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hypocrisy, Back Channels, and Hypotheticals

For those who are not already aware of the unrelenting hypocrisy of the Left, here is a little example that may help you to see the problem:

Behavior that the Left thinks is OK, nothing wrong, nothing to complain about
Behavior that the Left finds intolerant and perhaps even treasonous
·         During the 2008 campaign, candidate Obama sent retired ambassador William Miller to Iran to open a back channel with our sworn enemy and to let them know that if he won the election he would be a friend of Iran.
·         This was done before Obama was elected president, and had the potential to affect negotiations between President Bush and Iran as Iran might wait to enter agreements to see if Obama might be elected and give them a better deal.
·         Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, as well as Hillary Clinton have used back channels.

·        After the 2016 election, Jared Kushner inquired about setting up a back channel with Russia in order for Trump to discuss Syria with the Russians.  We don’t know if he did this on his own or on someone else’s orders; there is no evidence of any specific promises or deals made.
·         At the time of the alleged actions by Kushner, Trump had been elected president; although not yet sworn in, Russia knew he would be president and what his positions were.
·         President Trump may or may not have used a back channel.

I don’t think there is any need to explain this.  Everyone can see for themselves the complete hypocrisy of the position of the Left, the Democrats, and other anti-Trumpers.   

So, instead, let me turn to hypotheticals.  When caught with their hypocrisy showing, the Left turns to hypotheticals.  They create a “what if” scenario and then explain how that condemns President Trump, shows his evils, and demands his removal.  They will make the current situation different from those they are willing to accept by creating hypothetical facts.  For example, with no facts to support it, the Left suggests that Kushner, via the back channel, was trying to negotiate business deals with the Russians for Trump.  They suggest the back channel proves collusion between Trump and his campaign with Russia, despite absolutely no evidence to support this.  They pose that this was some sort of attempt to derail the Russia investigation and that it was an attempt to undermine the intelligence services (conveniently forgetting that it was Obama’s intelligence service at the time, the same service that was unmasking and revealing identities of numerous people including private citizens and sometimes leaking that information to the press).  Ignoring the fact that back channels have been used by most presidents in recent history, they assert that Kushner’s back channel attempt is a serious break from white house protocol and thus supports action against President Trump.  Yet this hypothetical is blatantly false since back channels are a not uncommon form of communication used to avoid having sensitive information or conversations become public in a way that might jeopardize negotiations.   No matter – the Left will nonetheless take the hypothetical as true and then use that narrative to condemn President Trump and his administration, to assert that these “uncommon actions” are evidence of treason.  They assert that if candidate Trump had a back channel it would be very serious because he had no reason for such a channel; yet, they accept candidate Obama’s back channel with Iran, as well as many other back channels of other presidents, as perfectly normal and not out of bounds.

The above is just one example of hypocrisy run wild.  Sadly, we see this behavior daily and in connection with every issue as the Democrats, the Left, the anti-Trumpers desperately attempt to destroy the Trump presidency and to persuade everyone that they are justified in doing so.  Yet their arguments are based on air; they have no substance, no facts to support the ever more histrionic hypotheticals.  So, lest we all fall into their trap, let’s remember that hypotheticals create a world that is not the one in which we live.  Hypothetical is imaginary, theoretical, conjectural, and suppositional; it is not real.

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