The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Comedy that is Tragedy

Sometimes I think I must be living inside some sort of absurdist play.  I look at the anti-Trump brigade and shake my head; it would be funny if it were not so disastrous for our country.   

The Democrat reaction to the Comey firing is only the latest evidence of the absurdity.  But more absurd is that the populace, or at least the anti-Trump populace cannot see the hypocrisy or the absurdity.  They are all too caught up in their inability to accept that Trump is the president and in their belief that anything and everything that he does must be attacked (they have even chosen to call themselves"the resistance").  Combine this with their obsession with Russia, but only as a way to somehow prove that Trump is not a legitimate president.  The thought of and concern for the good of the country are the farthest things from their minds.  The focus seems to only be first to prove that Hillary did not really lose the election and then to deny that anyone might have a different view of any issue than do they.  Hence the goal is to silence anyone and everyone who holds different perspectives.  That includes shouting down, if not physically attacking, speakers with other views; it includes obstructing in any way possible the acts of the president as he tries to carry out the will of the people and the policies for which he was elected; it includes doing anything to try to show that the president is either not qualified or illegitimate.  This anti-Trump brigade is really becoming a caricature of itself.

The sad thing is that so many people fall for and support the ridiculous behavior of this anti-Trump brigade.  In part the populace might be excused because we know that the media is about 90% anti-Trump, so we must assume that the news that most people hear or view gives them a skewed view of the world and of the Trump administration. 

Here is what makes this comedy such a tragedy (this from the perspective of someone who is not part of the anti-Trump brigade).  For the last several years this country has lost its way.  It has become less a country than a place where live many people who are concerned primarily if not exclusively only with themselves and who have been taught to believe that they have a right to most everything and that it is the government’s duty to provide that.  This sense of entitlement ignores things like duty and responsibility to others and to country.  It ignores the fact that the government is nothing more than one’s neighbors: that the money to provide these many comforts comes from the taxes on someone else’s labor.  There has grown a class of leaders who believe that they know what is good for everyone and that they can and should mandate that; that they can and should govern every aspect of our everyday life including what we eat, what we feel, what we say, and ultimately, what we think.  While some people may have bought into this view, perhaps viewing it as some sort of utopia, many others have different views.  Trump was in large part elected to reset things; to return the country to a place where there are both individual rights and responsibilities, a place where more than one voice can be heard, a place where all people have the same rights, not special or different rights based on some particular identity factor.  Sadly, the anti-Trump brigade somehow sees this as a threat.  Their leaders cannot accept that people may disagree with them.  Further, they cannot accept a leader who is just not one of them, not only in ideology but also simply in behavior, speaking style, etc.

Imagine if instead of the anger and hate the anti-Trump brigade had been able to accept the election results and put the country rather than their own interests first.  Even in the face of constant attack and obstruction President Trump has accomplished a number of things.  Just yesterday the figure was released that illegal border crossings are down 70%.  Now, perhaps some believe that we should allow crossings that break the law, but for those of us that believe laws should be enforced, this is quite an accomplishment.  But instead we are still hearing (at today’s hearings) that Trump invited Putin to hack Hillary.  First, that was a joke people – a JOKE on the campaign trail.  But, what the heck, focus on that, not on anything positive that Trump has done, both internationally and internally.  Imagine if instead of this focus on destroying Trump there was a focus on working with him to bring about good for the country.

President Trump is working to put the country back on the right track.  The further off the track one is (and this country is pretty far off its democratic moorings) the harder and more painful it is to get back onto the track.  Has America, have Americans become so weak that they cannot handle this, that they cannot handle a little hardship?  Of course, righting ourselves requires being able to think ahead, to see the big picture, not just focus on one’s immediate self-interest.   Yet, just yesterday I heard the complaint that Trump expects people to take responsibility for themselves; but isn’t that what we used to proudly do in this country?

I am truly sickened by the anti-Trump brigade.  Today I am listening to more Russia hearings – trying so hard to find ways to attack Trump.  This has been going on since day one, yet they really have nothing but innuendo, but innuendo that they and the press try to turn into reality.  Earlier this week they attacked the panel selected to work on the health care bill – all white males.  Well, maybe these are the best for the job.  Do we really want to select people based on identity rather than on qualification?  And the information about the health care bill itself is so inaccurate and incomplete as presented by the mainstream media as well as by many of the Democrats themselves.  The appointees of Trump are also constantly under attack, both by the Democrats in Congress and the general populace who follow them.  Yesterday the Secretary of Education was shouted down, despite her plea that we listen to all voices.    And, today the anti-Trump brigade is parsing every word since the summer of 2016 to find ways to attack Trump for his completely legitimate firing of Comey, a firing that many Democrats themselves called for until Trump took the action which they now attack and with their typical hyperbole refer to as a "constitutional crisis."

The anti-Trump brigade’s palpable hatred of Trump affects their judgement, their ability to objectively view facts, their ability to think of anything but themselves.  They cannot accept the fact that he is not them.  And their prolonged and ongoing temper tantrum over this is severely and negatively affecting this country.  I had hoped they would get over it.  I laugh at how ridiculous they and their followers are.   But the bottom line is that they are standing in the way of correcting the ruin which they have effectuated in the past several years with their identity politics, with their use of entitlement as a means of control and power, with their pandering to emotion and their ignorance of and unequal application of the law, with their intolerance for any views, indeed any lifestyle, that differs from those of which they approve.  I had hoped they would come to their senses, but I am coming to think that they have no sense and that is what makes this all so tragic.

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