The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

“If True…”

So, the latest attacks on President Trump once again begin with the phrase “if true.”  Democrats, Republicans who dislike Trump, and the media begin with that or the similar phrase “if proven” and then follow those words with paragraphs that attack Trump for the unproven allegations.  “If true this is impeachable, Trump must be removed, Trump has obstructed justice and we are in a constitutional crisis, he has offended our allies, he has done x,y,z all of which are despicable.”  The attacks go on long enough that it is easy for one to forget that opening phrase “if true.”

I am beginning to think that such statements are not just reactions to new allegations, but are themselves part of the ongoing and very calculated attempt to destroy the Trump presidency.  Most people know that if one repeats something enough times, people will believe it to be true, even if it is not.  So, we have the most recent allegation from unnamed sources that Trump disclosed classified information to the Russians.  That has been denied by people actually in the meeting.  But, no matter, we have the “if true” statements beginning immediately, so that by today, less than 24 hours later, people are talking about how Trump must be impeached for this. The “if true” qualification has been all but forgotten.

This constant barrage of innuendo and speculation to support attacks on Trump’s presidency is simply part of the concerted attack against Trump.  Democrats, much of the media,  and many career politicians cannot tolerate President Trump.  That have yet to accept that he is really the President.  And their focus is nearly exclusively on destroying him.  They are not interested in being a “loyal opposition” that works for the country while opposing specific policies with which they disagree.  Their goal is simply “resist.”   They want everyone to join “the resistance.”  Their every action seems to be to keep their followers riled up against Trump.  While that may be good for their own sense of power, it certainly is not good for the country.

So, before we listen to any more attacks that begin with “if true,” let’s find out what indeed is true.  Let’s stop, take a breath, and gather facts (even though that takes time).  And let’s demand that the media objectively report facts, not opinion or innuendo.  With facts in hand, we can then respond to what is true, not to what might be or to what is being alleged only as the latest means of disruption and “resistance.”  

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