The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

America Needs You to Stand Up Against the False Narrative of the Left

I really thought that by now we’d be over all this, that the Democrats would have come to their senses, realized they lost the election and stop blaming the winner.  But instead they have become obsessed, completely, with their witch hunt seeking to destroy Donald Trump, everyone around him, and everything he stands for, including the wishes of the people who elected him. 

Donald Trump was sent to Washington by the people to dismantle the power structure that was destroying them and their country.  Those in power, those who believed they would remain in power to continue their destruction of the democratic republic that they seem to so disfavor, were in total shock that this man of the people, the people whom they find deplorable, actually won the election.  And since that day their whole goal has been to attack him in any way possible and do everything in their power to stall and prevent his administration from carrying out the will of the people.

These people cannot believe that everyone does not agree with them, that everyone does not hate Trump.  They can’t believe that they are no longer in control and that is something they cannot handle.  They do not care about the people of this country nor about this country itself.  Indeed, they find very little to praise in either.  They are totally self-absorbed and, to soothe their hurt and shock that everyone does not love them and they lost the election, they have decided to create their own narrative.

Their narrative is not based in fact, but in what they would like the facts to be.  They grasp at straws.  When they think they have found a way to finally catch Trump you can literally see them salivating like dogs before the kill.  And they come up with new “gotcha” stories almost daily.  And their minions, those who carry the title of news reporters even though that is not what they report, do their bidding, talking up the narrative and ignoring the real news.  And, sadly, many – too many – simply accept what they hear.

The hypocrisy is also overwhelming.  Let’s just look at the current Donald Jr. alleged Russia connection.  Gosh, the shock that someone would want to get dirt on their political opponent during a campaign.  Of course that was not what the Democrats were doing when they had foreign entities assist them in preparing a false dossier on then candidate Trump.  This is apparently the first time ever that someone has been interested when they were offered some dirt on their opponent.  And, of course that interest somehow means that they were colluding and that now, according to a losing candidate, have committed treason.   Look at the media, they can’t get enough of this, they see blood as do the Left, they become hysterical and stir up as much hysteria in others as they can.  Really, these people have completely lost their minds.

I think that is obvious.  But I do get more and more concerned that their constant repetition of their narrative, as obviously false as it is, will eventually start to be seen as true just as a result of its mere repetition. For, isn’t it true that if you say something enough then finally you start to believe it?

Imagine what it would be like if these people were in power.  Perhaps the large cities of the east and west coast would be pleased, but the rest of America would be faced with disaster.  Those 2,654 out of 3,141 counties in America that voted for Trump, those voters seen as stupid and deplorable by the Left, will be left once again without hope and without a voice. 

The Left cares about little other than themselves.  They are like small children, completely self-centered and still throwing their tantrum because they didn’t get their way.  They love to throw anything they can at the one who didn’t let them have what they want.  They post every headline that is negative about Trump on their social media.  They attack and demean those who support him.  They are acting like babies.

But sadly, their tantrums and their selfish and sick behavior have the potential to ruin this country.  Their narrative is so obviously unreal that anyone with any sense should be able to see that and, if and when they do, should stand up against it, even if that is an uncomfortable thing to do.  America depends on its people and right now she really really needs them to put a stop to the childish but very dangerous behavior of the Left.

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