The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Thoughts on the Fourth of July

I have been away from home, traveling between large cites through rural America.  These are real people; people who understand the President and agree with his agenda to make America great again.  They fly flags in front of their homes, they go to church on Sunday, they go to potlucks and help their neighbors and they work hard at whatever they do. 

I also watched Sunday’s morning shows where the language used to avoid asserting false statements while implying their truth is ridiculous.  “There is possibly evidence that….”; “If evidence is found it has the potential to destroy the Trump presidency….”; etc.  Are these news media hoping that if they assert these things long enough they will somehow become true?   I laughed out-loud when they claimed that by wanting to make Hillary emails public after there was some indication that Russians might have been behind the DNC leaks, that the desire for the American people to see what the leaks pointed to meant that there was some collusion with Russia.  Wow.  So if I am made aware of some secret or possibly criminal activity and I share that information with people who should know about it, then I am somehow involved with the people who exposed the secret information?  What crazy and twisted logic.

Of course, the big story while I was traveling was the latest Tweets. I have yet to be disgusted by one of President Trump’s Tweets.   I know that many are.  But disgust is not a reason to remove someone from office.  I believe it was on Friday that Sen. Feinstein commented that “that’s not how we talk.”  Well, maybe not how she and other elites talk, but many people do talk like that – like real people.  When it suits Democrats’ purposes, it is Ok for people not to be so erudite or perfect:  thus, the Democrats loved it when Bill Clinton talked (on MTV I think) about what kind of underwear he wore.  It made him like a regular person, someone we could all relate to, they said.  But now, they don’t want the president to be a real person.  Why?  Because they don’t like the president and because he is not one of them.  Fine, they can feel as they do, but, again, that is just not a reason to remove him from office.

So back to the America that I drove through over the last many days.  Semi-rural, flags flying, love America and love God signs in abundance.  Family farms and businesses.  Tolerance and respect for differing views and no demand that others accept your views.  Pride in family and country.  People who eat lettuce, not arugula.  People who talk in plain language, use simple words and swear sometimes.  People who know they are not perfect but do the best they can.  People who, like their country, make mistakes sometimes, but who take responsibility for those mistakes, try harder, and are deserving of love and respect.  This is the America that I know and love, not the America where every word is pre-thought before exiting the mouth, not the America where people think they know what is best for everyone, not the American where some look down their noses at others who do not possess their education or talents, not the America where there is no tolerance for views that do not meet the standards of the progressive Left; not the America where those with differing or traditional values are considered stupid, uneducated, and deplorable.

Perhaps there really are two Americas, but I think not.  For the one that the Left envisions is a false America; it is not the America of equality and tolerance and belief that has been a beacon of freedom and democracy.  The Left’s America is not such a land, but rather one where opportunity and acceptance is based on a variety of identity factors and where the goal is that there be no diversity of thought or values or beliefs. Its beacon is not one that will shine, though using smoke and mirrors the Left may be able to make it appear that it will if power is in their hands. 

On this Fourth of July, between barbecues and beers, take a moment to read the Declaration of Independence.  Think what America truly stands for.  Think about its history.  America is not perfect, but it is truly great.  When you watch the fireworks, think what they are truly celebrating.  Compare that with the false America that the Left is trying to sell and then let them know you will not buy their false contrivances.

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