The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Surrounded by Idiots

Is it stupidity?  Maybe it is narrow-mindedness. Or laziness.   Maybe it’s just wanting to live in a make-believe reality.  I don’t know.  But I know that with so many on the Left it is completely impossible to have a fair-minded, rational, objective conversation. 
Take this example:
  • Persons on Left note an article from a Left biased news source stating that Trump’s new Communications Director Scaramucci believes the earth is 5500 years old.
  • I find this questionable so research and discover that if one watches the entire interview one sees that Mr. Scaramucci added that he was referring to recorded history.  (Of course, not speaking with absolute perfection, having to add a comment in a second sentence is an unpardonable sin with the elitist Left who spend days/weeks/years with focus groups and speech writers honing their words to reflect precisely their party line if not their truth.)
  • I point out to Persons on Left that the Left biased source had omitted that key fact of clarification (upon which time period most anthropologists would agree) in order to cast negativity upon the Trump administration.
  • Person on Left states that they did not read the full article, just up to that statement (not that it mattered since their article did not include the clarifying information).  Person on Left then states that nonetheless they are not impressed with Trump’s other picks.
  • I think to myself:  are they not impressed because they have only read similar biased stories about those picks?
  • I reply asking that Persons on Left just make sure that the lack of being impressed is based on actual fact and not the characterizations and portraits painted by the biased Left media.
  • I am hoping that Persons on Left realize that perhaps they should read more carefully and critically.
  • And yet, Persons on Left instead of noting that fact, now change the discussion to point the finger back as if saying it’s ok if we are biased and stupid because you are too.  Person on Left states that Trump supporters don’t acknowledge that they are biased too.
  • I want to ask them what that has to do with the fact that they are relying on inaccurate information to make their political views and opinions.  But, I realize that is probably hopeless since they simply cannot see that they have relied on false information.  They cannot see the distinction between the existence of bias and their relying upon that bias.
  • These People on Left then continue to carry on a discussion about how awful Trump and his people are. 
  • I wonder what they actually know about him or his people – what actual facts, not biased and distorted hyperbole, they are relying on to make their judgments.

But, at this point I stop and walk away because I have come to realize that my comments are futile.  The Left will always find something, even the slightest imperfection, to attack, or, if they can’t, then they will simply change the subject.  I have repeatedly suggested to people I know on the Left, including the above Persons on Left, that they might want to read other sources than only Left biased in order to get a more complete picture of the world.  I have suggested where they can find a variety of sources. From many conversations, it is apparent that they are not interested.  Yet, they walk about and talk about as if they were the most informed people on the planet.  They seem convinced that they understand what others do not; perhaps that is why they see no need to find the facts and the truth – they assume they already know it.

Do they not understand that they are the victims of serious misrepresentation if not fraud?  When one omits substantive and relevant facts in a way that distorts the truth, a fraud by omission has been committed.  Does the Left care?  I suspect not.  Do the many people on the Left know they are being duped?  If they do, they choose to look the other way because it serves their hateful purposes not to know: if they discovered that the Trump administration and those who support it are not actually evil personified, then it will be harder to hate these folks or dismiss them as deplorable.

How can we ever hope to move forward as a country if people are either incapable of facing, or unwilling to face, reality?  Yet, that is the situation we find ourselves in.  I, personally, find this stupidity enormously frustrating; it makes me angry that so many are so incapable of seeing the nose upon their face, so incapable of recognizing truth or bias, and so unwilling to use their minds to understand what is and what is not objective news.  They refuse to accept bias when it is pointed out and right in front of their faces; they refuse to accept that they may have been and are being duped; they refuse to accept that it might be their shortcoming in failing to read beyond the first lines.  But, then, I guess I too need to accept reality:  I need to accept that too many are unwilling to exert the effort that finding truth and fighting bias requires.  And, so, I find myself surrounded by idiots.

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