The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How the State of The Union Revealed that the Democrats Are Fully Against That Very Union

Just a few short notes on yesterday’s State of the Union address.  Short, because anyone who is interested likely watched it and observed exactly what I will reflect upon here.  Those who are less interested in the actual state of our union than they are in talking points and personal or political agendas don’t really care anyway since their minds are already fully made up, even in advance of the speech.

It has been a long time since I have heard such positivism and pride in America and to me it sounded wonderful.  There was hope and love for country.  President Trump was able to give a long litany of the many good things that have been done for the people (not the powered elite) during his first year as president.  But, whether one agrees with all his accomplishments or not, one has to admit that his actions have all been for the people of this country and that his presidency is making the lives of our citizens better, both literally and in the mental state of hope that is on the rise in America.  And, the underlying theme was that the President truly understands and believes that ours is a government of the people and that it is his intention to return our government to those people from a group of power hungry elites who think they know better than the populace what is good for them and who have hijacked our government over the last several years.  

Beyond the words coming from the President, the most interesting and telling aspect of the speech was the reaction of the Democrats in attendance.  How could they sit stone-faced, cringing, or worse when the President pointed out things like:  the lowest minority unemployment rates ever; the heroic deeds performed by our first responders and military; the growth in our economy and the positive effects it is already having on the regular people in this land; and even the infrastructure plan that Democrats themselves once supported before this president was elected.  When the President laid out an enormously generous immigration proposal the Democrats openly booed.  And of course they sat on their hands and glared when he spoke of pride in our country, our spirit, and our flag, just as they refused to show any support for the President’s calls for bipartisanship and working together across the aisle.

If the Democrats truly cared about this country they would cheer its successes and positive effects on the people of this land regardless of who brought them about.  So what we seem to have learned is that is not at all what the Democrats care about.  They are totally enveloped in their bubble of hate:  hatred of Donald Trump, hatred that their very flawed candidate lost the election, hatred of any success that the President might have, even when it is for the good of the people that they supposedly represent.  They do not want to see the people benefit from a strong economy, they do not want to see or feel pride in our country, they don’t even seem to want to help the DACA folks whom they claim to support.  They do not want to work together with their colleagues across the aisle for the good of our country.  They just want to hate.  And in doing so it seems that they hate the very country itself and the democracy and freedom that are its shining lights.

So, what do these Democrats want?  It seems it is only their own power.  They do not care about America or Americans except as they might be useful to them in obtaining and retaining power.  And, if the people are happy, doing well, then the Democrats fear losing their power since their approach is to keep the people down and unhappy so that they must be dependent on the offerings of the Democrat’s vision of big government and its companion loss of personal independence and freedom.  President Trump and his return of power to the people and its companions of hope and success are a threat to the Democrats’ elite power.  Of course they hate Trump.

Rather than think of the people and cheer the successes that President Trump has brought and continues to bring to this country and its people, the Democrats can do nothing but hate and attack.  Anyone who watched the State of the Union speech saw this loud and clear.  Anyone who didn’t should watch a replay of the entire speech and see the reactions of these alleged representatives of the American  people to the many successes for those people over the past year which the President outlined.  You have to watch the speech, because the media (which is primarily the voice of the power hungry Democrats) will not give an objective or full account.  Rather, they will pickily find this or that small flaw, then return to the Russia story which continues to be the hope of the Democrats to remove from office a man who truly represents the people and their country.

I end with the concluding lines of the President’s speech (lines that caused at least one Democrat to walk out in disgust).  How can any true American not stand and applaud?

It was that same yearning for freedom that nearly 250 years ago gave birth to a special place called America. It was a small cluster of colonies caught between a great ocean and a vast wilderness. But it was home to an incredible people with a revolutionary idea: that they could rule themselves. That they could chart their own destiny. And that, together, they could light up the world.
That is what our country has always been about. That is what Americans have always stood for, always strived for, and always done.
Atop the dome of this Capitol stands the Statue of Freedom. She stands tall and dignified among the monuments to our ancestors who fought and lived and died to protect her.
Monuments to Washington and Jefferson -- to Lincoln and King.
Memorials to the heroes of Yorktown and Saratoga -- to young Americans who shed their blood on the shores of Normandy, and the fields beyond. And others, who went down in the waters of the Pacific and the skies over Asia.
And freedom stands tall over one more monument: this one. This Capitol. This living monument to the American people.
A people whose heroes live not only in the past, but all around us -- defending hope, pride, and the American way.
They work in every trade. They sacrifice to raise a family. They care for our children at home. They defend our flag abroad. They are strong moms and brave kids. They are firefighters, police officers, border agents, medics, and Marines.
But above all else, they are Americans. And this Capitol, this city, and this Nation, belong to them.
Our task is to respect them, to listen to them, to serve them, to protect them, and to always be worthy of them.
Americans fill the world with art and music. They push the bounds of science and discovery. And they forever remind us of what we should never forget: The people dreamed this country. The people built this country. And it is the people who are making America great again.
As long as we are proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, there is nothing we cannot achieve.
As long as we have confidence in our values, faith in our citizens, and trust in our God, we will not fail.
Our families will thrive.
Our people will prosper.
And our Nation will forever be safe and strong and proud and mighty and free.
Thank you, and God bless America.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

One Year

"What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people."-Donald J. Trump, 1/20/2017
Despite the Democrats’ wishes to the contrary, Donald Trump has now been our President for one year.  He has indeed made great strides in returning the government of this country to its people, continually fighting desperate attempts by the Democrats and other deeply entrenched establishment types to retain control for themselves.

Here are just a few of the accomplishments of President Trump and his administration:  Jobs are up, unemployment is down, dramatically so for minorities; real weekly earnings are up; the economic growth rate is up; illegal border crossings are down; home prices and home ownership are up; corporate profits are up; manufacturing jobs are up; tax bill already showing benefits to individuals and corporations; carbon dioxide emissions are down; support for troops and veterans; foreign policy successes.

Sadly, we hear little about any of the positives of Trump’s presidency from the main stream media who, like the Democrats whose ideology it speaks, have such a hatred for Donald Trump that they are blinded to anything that does not support that hatred.

When I started writing this blog a year ago it was in large part in response to the vitriolic hatred being spewed against the new President.  Naively I thought that the Democrats and other Trump-haters would get over it in a few weeks.  I understood that they were shocked that someone so unlike them could be elected and that so many people held views contrary to their own.  They were hurt and angry, and I assumed it would take a little time, but that they would come to accept that everyone in the country was not like them and that while they did not particularly like Donald Trump or his policies that they would accept that he was indeed their President and would respect and support him as holder of that office, even if they did not particularly like the man himself.

But, how wrong I was; I assumed these were rational people, people who would get over it and accept their loss, people who respected the process and the office of the president, people who would work to further issues of their concern for the good of the country.  That has not happened; instead, their hatred simply grows.  It is not rational. The Democrats and other anti-Trumpers seem to be living in a world where, before Trump they were totally in charge and could do as they pleased, making decisions for the people as they wished rather than letting the people be in charge.  Now they are faced with someone who understands how our democracy works and who indeed believes that the country belongs to the people, not to an elite few.  This is a threat to them: the anti-Trump brigade wants to run not only their own lives, but those of everyone, and the loss of their power to do so seems to have, in their eyes, threatened their entire existence. Thus, they hate Trump on a very personal level.

Hating Trump seems to be the only issue left to the Democrats.  It begins with their hatred of the man.  He is not like them.  He understands those who are not like him.  He believes that America belongs to all the people and not just an elite few.  He is less concerned with his own power than he is with the power of the country and its people.   And, he is indeed making strides in making America great again.  This is disrupting the comfortable world of the Democrats and their power.

I have come to believe that the current Democrat power structure does not care a wit for this country or its people.  They care only about their own power and their ability to create a country and a world that they envision, regardless of whether that is what the people would choose.  I think they truly believe that anyone who is not in lock step with them is indeed a stupid deplorable.

The fact that the Democrats don’t care one bit for the people they pretend to support, or for the country itself, is evident from their latest game that resulted in shutting down the government.  This seems to turn on DACA and immigration.  Let’s go back a bit:  the legislature was well on its way to a bipartisan agreement on these issues.  But, if the issues are resolved, the Democrats lose that method of fomenting hate against Trump as well as that alleged compassion of their own used as a method to garner support and votes from minorities.  So, instead they return to their narrative of Trump being racist and use that not only as a method for killing the bipartisan solution to immigration, but to shutting down the government as well.  That does not serve the people of this country well.  It may however, give the Democrats talking points, for their shut down will hurt much of Trumps positive effects on the economy, it will hurt our troops and the progress made in foreign policy.  Talking points to garner support for their own power: that is what the Democrats care about, not the country or its people.

Not being a psychologist, I cannot understand how hatred can so overtake a person or a group of people that they would destroy their own country in order to sustain their hatred. I do believe, however, that if the Democrats do not find an issue other than “hate Trump” that they will eventually only succeed in destroying themselves.   If not so filled with and blinded by hatred perhaps these people could actually address and discuss varying views on actual issues. But, their hatred is being used only for their own power and purposes and eventually that can only lead to their demise. 

So, on this anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration I applaud the President for his many successes.  I am in awe of his ability to stand strong in the face of unending and vitriolic hatred.  I accept that he is not perfect, that he is not as refined or as eloquent as some might envision a leader to be, but I also see in him a man who holds the beliefs for our country that our founders envisioned and who is doing everything in his power to uphold and further that vision that is embodied in our Constitution and our history.  We live in a great country; it has lost some of its greatness during the past few years as the power of the people has been usurped by the power of a self-interested ruling class.  President Trump is working to reverse that and make America not only great again, but even greater than it has ever been.  Go Trump!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Politicization of Truth

We seem to be living in an era where one’s ideology determines what one’s Truth is.  How else can you explain the assault on the medical report issued by the doctor who examined President Trump, as well as, it should be noted, President’s Obama and Bush?  Because some so want to believe that the President is not fit for office, either physically or mentally, because that truth does not fit their reality, we have them questioning the physician as well as making their own pronouncements of the President’s ill health despite the report and despite the fact that, unlike the report’s author, they have conducted no examination whatsoever of the President.
Similarly, how can one explain that while Sen. Durbin is the only one who claims to have heard the President utter the word S***hole during a meeting, and despite the fact that at least 4 others present assert that the word was not uttered, those whose agenda the remark supports, including the main stream media, continue to take the word’s utterance as a proven fact. 

Let’s consider some examples of ideology rather than truth controlling our political narrative since Mr. Trump became President Trump.  The Democrats, as well as some Republicans and others were so stunned they could not accept the election results.  Thus began a multitude of attempts to unseat President Trump from office.  Hence, despite no evidence in over a year’s time, we are still hearing about collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign as if it were truth. The digging for evidence goes on and far outside any fields with any relevance to such collusion yet the Democrats hang on, because collusion supports their ideological goals.  But, when that story failed to unseat the President, those who were and are determined to do so had to look for other “truths” that would lead to their desired result.  We have had the stories about the President’s mental health – now disproven by an examination by a competent doctor.  Nonetheless, the belief that he is mentally ill remains a truth for may whose ideology it suits.  (I hate to tell these people, but just because someone behaves in a way they don’t like, or holds views and values different from theirs, or supports policies contrary to their own, does not make someone mentally ill).  We also have the allegations that the President is a sexual predator or the story that the President is a racist.  I have yet to see any concrete proof of either.  The President, unlike some of his opponents, does not single out individuals based on their race, but tries to treat all Americans equally.  Nonetheless, those whose ideology is served by having a racist president, will see their view as “truth.”

Let’s consider how asserting that President Trump is racist serves the current Democrat ideology.  The Democrats assert their concern for Dreamers (I’m not sure they really are concerned, but appearing so is part of their political and campaign strategy).  If a deal were reached that gave some sort of permanent status to Dreamers, but also compromised in a way to give some of the other immigration demands of Trump and Republicans, Trump might actually get some good press from the Democrat’s base.  They don’t want that.  So, instead they can push Durbin’s story, say they can’t work with the President because he is a racist, and either leave the DACA situation unresolved (and blame Trump) or demand that to prove he is not racist he must sign a non-compromise bill that only gives the Democrats their demands on this issue.  This is just part of their political strategy.  And in my opinion, it is sick if not un-American.

Let’s just assume for a minute that the President did refer to Haiti as a S***hole country.  So what?  That, my friends, is not a racist statement.  And, following that statement with the comment that we should let in more Asians and people from Norway also does not support a charge of racism.  What it does support is the idea that we should look to what those seeking immigration have to bring to our country.  Maybe that idea could have been stated more eloquently, but there has never been an argument that Trump is an eloquent speaker.    Again, failure to be eloquent is not proof of racism, or mental illness, or Russian collusion, or sexual predation, or any other of the many narratives that the Democrats try to put forth as a reason to end the Trump presidency.

We now have some legislators, lead by Rep. Lewis, announcing their boycott of the State of the Union address because the president is racist.  As noted above, that is their truth, based not on fact, but on their ideology and what they simply wish were true.  In their minds it justifies their refusal to work with the president, but in the end it is simply disrespectful of the Office and of our democratic Institutions and system of government.  It is not helpful to the country or to the American people whom these legislators were elected to represent.  Instead, it is a betrayal of their constituents as they place their ideology and their lies created to support it above the good of this Country.

What I would like to see is the Democrats, along with the main stream media, be fair and honest with themselves and with the country.  Admit that while they don’t agree with Trump’s policies, that he is the duly elected president deserving of bipartisan support.  Acknowledge the many good things that are the result of the Presidents actions, most notably a more thriving economy including lowest unemployment in years for minorities, successes against ISIS and in other international issues, an end to the office of the president being a supporter of identity politics, to name a few.  I would like the Democrats to understand that being the loyal opposition does not mean fomenting hatred toward the president, but means supporting him in his efforts to do right for America, while opposing those policies with which they don’t agree.  It does not mean constant ad hominem attacks against a man whom they personally may not like.

In Communist societies, ideology regularly overcomes truth.  People are imprisoned or worse for not holding the Party’s ideology – its Truth.  That is not our tradition or our history in America, even though many Democrats would make it so.

Friday, January 12, 2018

It’s Time to End the Games

It has been almost a year since President Trump was sworn in, yet the Democrats continue to focus their energies against him instead of for the American people.

Let’s consider the most recent example.   The President shows both leadership and willingness to arrive at a bipartisan agreement on immigration issues:  some sort of permanent status for the dreamers of DACA while ending chain migration and building a wall or its equivalent form of southern border security.  That is, a compromise that is good for America and its people, where all sides get something of what they want while giving up something else to the other side. 

The problem for the Democrats is that such a bipartisan agreement could make the President look good.  So, after an initial meeting they must find a way to get out of this while at the same time making it somehow the President’s fault. 

So, we have the allegations that the President used a vulgar term to refer to Haiti and other nations.  This is from Democrat Senator Durbin.  We have the President’s denial while at the same time noting that he did use tough language in referring to those countries as well as to the immigration proposals.  Which story is all over the news? – the Democrat allegation.  That allegation is now the de facto truth for most people.  (Of course, even if it were true, this president is not the first to use vulgar language in the White House when referring to other countries as well as various other issues; we simply need to look at statements made by Nixon, Johnson, Bill Clinton to name but a few)  But, should the allegation of use of an off color term not be enough, Durbin now complains about the President’s use of the term “chain migration” as offensive to African-Americans and as proof of the President’s alleged racism (no matter that this is a term used by both Democrats and Republicans for years to refer to the fact that the families of one immigrant are often allowed to follow that immigrant into the country).

So, now the Democrats have an out.  They can refuse to work with the President on any bipartisan solution to the current immigration problems claiming his goals and hence the bipartisan proposals are simply racist.  And, I suspect that if any resolution for DACA or other immigration issues fails the Democrats (and the main stream media) will blame it on the President. 

The Democrats may find this sort of gamesmanship entertaining; they may see this situation along with the more general politics of the country as little more than a contest for them to win.  They certainly are not thinking of the country, or of the American people, or of the DACA people whom they pretend to support.

It is really long past time for the Democrats to give up their crusade to bring down the presidency of Donald Trump.   It is long past time for them to put their words into action and work for the good of the country and not simply for their own self-satisfying victories.  And, I hope that the time is here when the American people will see through these Democrat games and demand that they work not for themselves but for the country and the people whom they were elected to represent.