The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Yes, Maybe They Really are that Dumb!

This morning I was listening to NPR.  They were discussing Democrat voters’ attitudes about whom would be the best presidential candidate for 2020.  NPR reported that the majority of those likely to vote Democrat look to electability – the ability to beat Trump – as the sole or most important factor in the selection of the candidate.  That is far more important than policy.  For many policy is not important at all; rather, it is simply beat Trump, whatever it takes.

What does this say about their understanding of or care about our country?  That they hate Trump enough that they would be willing to destroy this country just to beat him in an election.  Do they not realize that while some policies might be beneficial, other polices (for example socialism) could destroy everything upon which this country was founded? 

Do they care?  Or have they succumbed to the obsessive preoccupation of the Democrat leadership and the main stream media that their single purpose must be to destroy Donald Trump at all costs?

Frighteningly, elections have become simply about the Win, not about selecting the best person for the particular office regardless of the party or other identity group to which they belong.  Has the democratic elective process along with our country been reduced to the level of some sports event or reality show in which it is simply about scoring a check in the Win column and nothing else?  Pick your horse, bet your money, win, and go home. 

Apparently what that winner will do with the win, what that winner will do for the country is not really relevant as long as he or she beats Trump.  That’s it.  The hatred is so great that is all that matters.  Like the cancer that it is, this hatred is eating away at everything else that once did or someday might matter.

And what is the hatred about?  The answer is truly troubling.  For, while we have had disliked presidents before as well as presidents whose policies were rigorously opposed, we have never seen anything even beginning to approach the destructive hatred that is fomented and driven by today’s Democrats. 

And, based on what?  It is hard to find support for their level of hatred, for their claims of racism or mental illness or anti-American, or any of the other appellations that they recklessly attach to his name on a daily basis.  Certainly, some disagree with his policies; some do not like his personality.  But, such disagreement and dislike has never before driven such a jihad against a duly elected president.

What that tells me is that this hatred is both personal and immature.  It is a personal hatred for someone who bested them – in the 2016 election and, as President, in his ability to accomplish an enormous amount of positive things for this country and its people, as well as to have a positive impact in many international venues as well.   

These haters wanted to win, not for the country but for themselves and their own egos.  They did not and the result is vitriolic and personal hatred.  And, the long drawn out tantrum that they have been throwing for the last 2+ years is nothing but the behavior of a toddler who doesn’t get what he wants.  It is ego-centric and is about their own power and its loss, and nothing else.

We already knew all this about the Democrat and anti-Trump leadership.  What is so frightening is that the rank and file Democrat voters have been bamboozled and drawn into this cult of hate to the point that they don’t care who is president as long as it isn’t Trump.  How stupid (or perhaps simply brainwashed) can they be?

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