The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

One Very Un-American Issue

When I started writing this blog immediately following the inauguration of President Trump, I was reacting to what I thought was a short-term hysteria among those who simply could not believe that Trump had been elected President.  At that time I hoped that the anger and hysteria would recede, that people would remember how our democracy works and accept our duly elected president.  I hoped that they could put aside any personal dislike of the man and support our country by supporting and respecting the office of president.  I hoped that people would work together, sharing dissenting ideas on particular issues that the president and his administration favored,  and work towards understanding and compromise for the good of our country.

Well, how wrong I was!

The anti-Trump brigade has one issue only.  It is the same issue they have had since January:  remove Donald Trump from office.  That is all they care about.  And they don’t care if they destroy the country and all that it stands for in the process.   

Imagine if on day one of Trump’s presidency these people had instead taken the position that even though they were not happy about his election, even though they disliked some of his policies, that they would try to work with him for the good of the country and all its people, even those who liked and elected Trump.  But, that is not what we got.  Instead we have had a constant attack not only on Trump the man, but on the office of the President of the United States since day one.

Consider the history:  Constant daily attacks on Trump’s character, along with the way he speaks and the way he looks;  allegations (completely without any substantiating evidence) that he was and is not the legitimate president because either the Russians rigged the election to the point of changing the results or because Trump and his people colluded with the Russians to do the same; constant attacks on his legitimate businesses along with unfounded allegations that the fact that he had successful business interests is somehow a breach of ethics; constant attacks on his family, including his 10 year old son, and attacks on his close circle of friends and advisors;  doing anything possible to stall and delay any movement toward enacting the policies and promises of Trump’s campaign – the policies for which the American people voted;  following these regular crippling attacks and stalling tactics with assertions that Trump is incapable of accomplishing anything; daily misstatements, half-truths, omissions, and sometimes outright falsehoods about Trump and his administration reported in the press; leaks of confidential information lauded as patriotic rather than criminal acts; refusal of many bureaucrats to do their jobs because those jobs require them to take actions with which they disagree; no acknowledgement whatsoever of any positive actions taken by the administration; refusal to hear any viewpoints that do not support the anti-Trump agenda;  encouragement of law-breaking if it is done in opposition to Trump policy, regulations, laws, or orders; creation of a “resistance force” against Trump; regular calls for impeachment despite any evidence that would support it; etc., etc.  The list goes on and on.

This is not American.  This is not how America works.  I am sorry that some people did not like the results of the election.  But, folks, that’s the way it goes in a democracy where the people elect their leader.  I understand that some people don’t particularly care for Donald Trump.  Well, folks, he’s probably not going to come over to your house for dinner, so go ahead and dislike him; but that does not mean that you should try to destroy the presidency.  I suspect that many presidents in our time and before have not been very likable people (certainly there are some that I have disliked); that does not mean that they should not be president or that they cannot or did not do good things for the country.   A successful democracy requires a respect for that democracy and its institutions, including the office of the president.  One ought to be able to distinguish between the office itself and the one who holds it. 

Many seem to dislike Trump because he is not a typical politician.  Many of the elite and career politicians find it distasteful that he does not speak like them; yet many Americans find his real-life way of speaking to be refreshing.  Many career DC inhabitants find it troubling or perhaps threatening that President Trump is shaking up the way things are done in Washington, despite the fact that the status quo bureaucracy is often dysfunctional.  And many Progressives dislike Trump because he does not agree with their vision of America (but neither do the many Americans who elected Trump).

The reasons for disliking Trump may be many and varied.  But they are not reasons to try to destroy his presidency and in so doing destroy the office of the president itself and in so doing ignore and topple our form of government itself.  That is not American.  A dislike of the president or his policies are reasons to work for the election of a different person in the next election cycle.  We do not remove presidents simply because we do not like them or their policies.  We do not create a daily barrage of unfounded attacks in an attempt to completely cripple if not destroy both the occupant and the office of president. 

The bottom line is that the anti-Trump brigade does not like the results of the election.  There is nothing wrong with that.  What is wrong, what is truly un-American, is their unrelenting attempt to destroy this man and his presidency.  Like children throwing a tantrum until they get the piece of candy they want but were denied, these anti-Trumpers are throwing a tantrum that will not stop until they get what they want – the removal of Trump from office.  No one should fall for the line that their actions are being done for the good of the country; they are simply selfish acts of people who did not get their way and cannot accept the way that a democratic form of government works. Their actions are in the end un-American.   Their one issue – remove Trump – has become their obsession and that obsession has the very real possibility of destroying America as we know it if it succeeds.

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