The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Thoughts on the Sessions Testimony

I watched the Sessions testimony on Tuesday.  I think that everyone should be required to watch this (suffer through this) so that they will realize how idiotic is the Democrats' witch hunt.  Their questions are solely for the purpose of making anyone connected to the Trump administration look bad and/or to play the game of “Gotcha.”

I cannot watch/read/listen to reviews of this hearing because I already know what they will say and it will depend on whether the presenter is pro or anti-Trump.  I am so sick of this.  So, how do we put an end to this ridiculous spectacle?  Let’s begin by reviewing today’s hearing.

First, let me recommend Session’s opening statement to everyone.  It exposed how insane these hearings really are.  The Attorney General took the committee to school for its unfounded allegations and for how these hearings interfere with the work of the people.    His statement also covered all the points that were legitimately before the committee and gave his answers.

But, no matter.  The Democrats just attack and attack.  They tried to catch Sessions while at the same time setting up more innuendo about other Trump associates, assumingly to be able to call them before the committee next.  They ask questions that have been asked and answered, and answered, and answered, ad nausea.  I think that either they hope that if they ask the question enough, the innuendo included within it will finally be believed, or that they will somehow be able to catch Sessions in a lie, or both. 

As you listen to the Democrats’ questions you can almost hear the headlines in the Left biased (most of the) media tomorrow.  Those headlines will have no qualms about turning questions into fact.

Then came one of the most insane lines of questioning yet.  If one asserts that a communication is confidential then he is accused of “stonewalling.”  Apparently there should be no confidentialities.  Tell that to  your priest or your psychiatrist or your doctor or, if you are a journalist, tell that to your confidential source.  Failure to reveal confidentialities is not an effort to impede the investigation as the Democrats would have us believe. It is adherence to rules as well as ethical standards regarding certain conversations.

Then there are questions like the one from the Democrat from Oregon:  “Why did you sign the letter [recommending Comey be fired] when it violated your recusal?”  Do you note how this presumes a completely unproven fact – that it did violate the recusal?  Well, based on the testimony from Sessions as well as what else we know prior to the question, it did not violate the recusal.  Yet, because the narrative that it did is more favorable for the Democrat position, they will just take it as a fact.  And, of  course, they hope that their audience will take if or a fact as well.

We also have a number of questions asking Sessions what the President or others thought or meant.  Well, why should he know what was in their minds.  Yet we are supposed to assume that his response of not knowing is some sort of attempt to stonewall, or that Sessions is just lying or covering up, or that the answer must be so bad as to essentially indict the one whose mind Sessions is supposed to be able to read. 

Then there is the questioning, perfected by Senator Harris, that asks a damning question and then does not allow the witness to answer, or cuts the witness off before the answer is completed.  Clearly there is no real interest is learning all the facts or getting to the truth.  The goal is to get the information you can use against Trump and his administration and to ask questions that will create innuendo to that same end.

If people want facts, not innuendo and narrative argument, they should perhaps listen to Senator Cotton and his articulation of what the actual facts are.  The Democrats, in contrast, seem to be living in their own reality with absolutely no interest in facts or truth.  Of course it serves their purpose to continue this narrative - it is good for them politically, even if it is disastrous for the country.

People should listen to this entire hearing.  I can’t believe that anyone who does will not be disgusted with the Democrats' self-serving tactics.   They will see the narrative and innuendo for what it is:  part of the concerted effort to bring down Trump and anyone associated with him. 

The problem here is that with their unfounded grasping for “dirt” on Trump, with their focus on how to destroy him and his administration, the Democrats are really destroying our country.  Please, everyone, wake up and tell your Congress-people to stop wasting time and your money and get to work on the work of the people, on the things that affect your life and mine and the future of this country, and not the destructive and self-centered agenda of the Democrat politicians.

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