The name of this blog is Pink’s Politics. The name comes from my high school nick-name “Pink” which was based on my then last name. That is the only significance of the word “pink” here and anyone who attempts to add further or political meaning to it is just plain wrong.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Six Degrees of Separation

Here it is – the answer to why the President must be removed.  You will all recall the idea that we are all separated from everyone else by only 6 degrees.  That is, I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows Putin.  Also, through six degrees I probably also know someone who has colluded with Russia.  Therefore, according to the logic of the Left, I, of course, am a colluder and, if I were president I would need to be removed from office.

Yup.  That is how ridiculous the Left’s attacks on Trump are. Crazy.  But what is just a bit crazier is that so many people are willing to go along if not encourage this behavior.

Yet they continue to attack Trump, friends/family/supporters of Trump, friends/family/supporters of friends/family/supporters of Trump.  It just doesn’t stop.  There is nothing there!  Nothing except a President whom the Left finds distasteful and whose election has taken away their power. 

And, what is it that they would do with that power?  Well, it appears that what they most like to do is to attack and silence any and all who do not agree with them; attack and silence any and all who stand in their way.  Their way to what?  Well, certainly not benefit to the country and all of its people.  Rather, what they seek is a country where everyone thinks like them, acts like them, and behaves and thinks only in ways that they have mandated and allowed.  A country where they are all powerful and the people have no voice. Hmmmmm – sounds a little bit like a Communist Dictatorship doesn’t it?  Maybe we should be investigating the Left for their six degrees of separation.

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